PHP: Where is the error log file located?

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Error logging is an essential aspect of software development and system administration. When it comes to PHP, understanding where and how errors are logged is crucial for debugging applications and ensuring their smooth operation. In this guide, we will explore the PHP error log file’s location, how to configure error logging, and best practices for using error logs efficiently.

Understanding PHP Error Logging

PHP provides several levels of error reporting which allow developers to get insight into issues ranging from minor notices to critical system errors. By default, PHP tries to log these errors so that they can be reviewed later. However, the location and behavior of the log can be configured in different ways, depending on the environment and requirements.

Default PHP Error Log Location

The location of the PHP error log file may vary based on the operating system, PHP version, and server configuration. By default:

  • On Unix/Linux systems, it’s generally located at /var/log/php/error.log, /var/log/httpd/error_log, or /var/log/apache2/error.log.
  • On Windows servers, running XAMPP or WAMP, the log might be found within the installation paths such as C:\xampp\php\logs\php_error_log or C:\wamp64\logs\php_error.log.
  • In a shared hosting environment, you may find the logs in your hosting account’s control panel or a directory specified by the host, often within your website’s root directory or a dedicated logs directory such as logs/ or error_logs/.

It is important to note that in some cases, error logging may not be enabled by default, or the log path might not be set, in which case PHP will attempt to output errors to the server’s default error log file.

Configuration via php.ini

The php.ini file is the primary configuration file for PHP and controls many aspects of PHP’s behavior. Error logging is configured within this file using a few key directives:

  • error_reporting: This directive specifies which errors PHP should report. You can set it to different levels of sensitivity like E_ALL, E_NOTICE, E_WARNING, etc.
  • log_errors: You must set this directive to On to enable logging of errors.
  • error_log: This directive allows you to specify the path to the error log file. If it is set, PHP will log errors to the specified path instead of the default server error log.

To find and edit your php.ini file:

  1. Locate the php.ini file. Use the phpinfo() function in a PHP script to see the loaded configuration and search for the Loaded Configuration File to find its path.
  2. Modify the error_reporting, log_errors, and error_log directives. To turn on all error reporting and specify a custom log file, you could set:
error_reporting = E_ALL
log_errors = On
error_log = /path/to/your/php_error.log

Remember to restart your web server after making changes to php.ini for your changes to take effect.

Runtime Configuration

You can also configure error logging at runtime using the ini_set() function within your PHP scripts:

ini_set('log_errors', 'On');
ini_set('error_log', '/path/to/your/php_error.log');

This way, you can dynamically alter the error logging behavior without changing the server-wide php.ini file. Remember that these changes apply only to the running script and will not persist across requests.

Logging Errors in PHP Code

Beyond configuration, you can use the error_log() function in PHP to manually log any error or custom message:

error_log('An error occurred', 3, '/path/to/your/php_error.log');

The second parameter ‘3’ tells PHP to write the message to a file, which is the path provided in the third parameter.

Error Logs and Web Servers

Depending on your web server software (like Apache or Nginx), PHP errors might also be found within the web server’s own logs. It is not uncommon to find PHP errors in files like error.log for Apache or error.log within the server block’s configured log directory for Nginx.

Security Considerations

Monitoring and protecting your error logs is of utmost importance. Since they can contain sensitive information about your application, ensure they are stored in a secure location and set appropriate permissions to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, make sure that error messages are not displayed to users directly in a production environment by setting display_errors to Off in your php.ini file.


PHP error logs are invaluable tools for diagnosing problems in your applications. Knowing where to locate the error log file, how to configure PHP to log errors, and how to implement best practices around error logging can help maintain the health and security of your PHP applications. Regularly monitoring your PHP error logs should be a part of your routine maintenance tasks.

With this understanding, you can effectively address issues that arise, contributing to a more stable and robust application environment. Whether you’re a developer or a system administrator, mastering PHP error logging will undeniably improve your workflow and enhance the overall quality of your work.