How to Reverse an Array in PHP

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Reversing an array is a basic operation in many programming tasks. In PHP, there are built-in functions to reverse an array, which can be quite handy. Understanding how to flip the order of array elements in PHP is essential for data manipulation and forms a core part of many PHP-based applications, algorithms, and processing routines. This guide will take you through the steps and functions required to reverse arrays in PHP, along with detailed examples ranging from the simplest to more complex scenarios.


In PHP, arrays are one of the most important and widely-used data structures that allow you to collect multiple items under a single variable name. PHP provides simple functions to manipulate arrays, including sorting and reversing their order. Reversing an array can be particularly useful when you need to process items in the opposite order to which they were added or stored.

Using the array_reverse() Function

The most straightforward way to reverse an array in PHP is by using the array_reverse() function. This built-in function takes an array as input and returns a new array with the elements in the opposite order. Here’s a simple example:

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$reversed = array_reverse($array);

This will output:

    [0] => 5
    [1] => 4
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 2
    [4] => 1

Note that array_reverse() doesn’t change the original array; it returns a new one. If you want to reverse the original array in-place, you need to assign the result of array_reverse() back to the original variable, like this:

$array = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$array = array_reverse($array);

Now the original $array variable will contain the reversed order of elements.

Preserving Keys in the Reversed Array

By default, when you reverse an array using array_reverse(), the keys are reset. If you want to preserve the array keys, you can do so by passing a second boolean argument as true like this:

$assoc = array('a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana', 'c' => 'cherry');
$reversedWithKeys = array_reverse($assoc, true);

The output will show that the keys have been preserved:

    [c] => cherry
    [b] => banana
    [a] => apple

Reversing an Array Using a Loop

Although array_reverse() is convenient, it’s also possible to reverse an array manually using a looping construct. This can be useful for understanding what occurs under the hood or when creating custom behaviors during the reversal operation. Here’s an example using a for loop:

$array = array('one', 'two', 'three', 'four');
$reversed = [];
for($i = count($array) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
    $reversed[] = $array[$i];

The manual method iterates over the original array in reverse and constructs a new array.

Advanced Array Reversal Techniques

For more control over the reversal process, PHP offers a variety of ways to interact with array pointers. Functions such as end(), prev(), and each() allow you to traverse an array manually. Moreover, you can implement custom sorting algorithms, which give you power over element order beyond simple reversal.

Here’s an advanced example that reverses an array using array pointers:

$array = array('a' => 'apple', 'b' => 'banana', 'c' => 'cherry');
reset($array);  // Move the internal pointer to the first element
$reversed = [];

// Move the pointer to the end to start the reversal

// Traverse the array backwards using prev()
while (key($array) !== null) {
    $reversed[key($array)] = current($array);

Another advanced technique includes using array iterators like ArrayIterator or ArrayObject for custom iteration and reversal steps. These are particularly useful in object-oriented programming and can provide a more elegant and reusable approach to working with arrays.


Reversing an array in PHP is easy to achieve using the array_reverse() function, but you also have other methods at your disposal depending on your need for customization and control. The array_reverse() function provides a quick and straightforward solution, preserving keys when necessary. For more detailed operations, traversing the array using loops or array pointers allows you to reverse elements and add additional logic mid-reversal. No matter the context, PHP provides the necessary tools to manipulate arrays with ease, adaptability, and precision.