PHP Doctrine: How to Delete a Record by Condition

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with PHP applications, managing database operations in an object-oriented way can be efficiently achieved using an ORM like Doctrine. Doctrine offers a suite of powerful tools that simplify database interactions. In this tutorial, we will explore how to delete a record by condition using Doctrine, which can be really handy in applications where data manipulation is a common task.

Getting Started with Doctrine

Before you start deleting records, ensure that you have Doctrine installed and configured in your PHP project. Doctrine can be installed using Composer, a dependency manager for PHP, with the following command:

composer require doctrine/orm

Once installed, configure Doctrine to connect to your database. This often involves setting up the ‘EntityManager’ that is responsible for tracking all the operations that you’ll execute.

Using the EntityManager

The EntityManager is the central access point to Doctrine’s ORM functionality. Here’s a simple example of how to use the ‘EntityManager’ to remove a record:

$entityManager = GetEntityManager();
$product = $entityManager->getRepository('Product')->find($id);
if ($product) {

This code finds a product with the particular ‘$id’ and deletes it from the database if it exists.

Deleting by Condition

If you want to remove a record based on a condition, you can use the Criteria API or DQL (Doctrine Query Language). The following example uses DQL:

$query = $entityManager->createQuery("DELETE FROM Product p WHERE = :name");
$query->setParameter('name', 'MyProduct');

In this scenario, any record from the ‘Product’ entity with the name ‘MyProduct’ will be deleted from the database.

Advanced Deletion Operations

For more complex conditions or deletion operations involving associations, you can leverage Doctrine’s capabilities to the fullest:

Deleting with Criteria API

The Criteria API allows you to construct a criteria object that can be used to filter selections or deletions:

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;

$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(Criteria::expr()->eq("name", "OldProduct"));
$products = $repository->matching($criteria);
foreach ($products as $product) {

This code constructively builds a deletion condition that targets products with the name ‘OldProduct’ to remove.

Transactional Deletes

For maintaining data integrity, you might want to use transactions:

$entityManager->transactional(function($entityManager) {
    $product = $entityManager->getRepository('Product')->findOneBy(['name' => 'MyProduct']);
    if ($product) {

This will ensure that the deletion operation is performed within a transaction.

Handling Exceptions

When deleting records, you may encounter exceptions due to foreign key constraints or other rules defined in your database schema. It is important to handle these exceptions:

try {
    // Deletion code goes here
} catch (\Doctrine\ORM\ORMException $e) {
    // Handle exception (e.g., log it and proceed with a fallback operation)

Properly handling exceptions ensures that your application remains stable and provides meaningful feedback to the user or calling process.


The ability to delete records by specific conditions in Doctrine empowers developers to write concise and expressive database operations. By leveraging DQL and the Criteria API, precise deletion commands ensure the relevant data is affected and system integrity is maintained.