Fixing PHP Fatal error: Class ‘MyClass’ not found in (5 solutions)

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

PHP’s ‘Class not found’ fatal error is a common issue that often occurs when developers are working with objects or classes in their code. This error means that PHP is unable to locate a specified class when trying to instantiate an object, often leading to a script termination. Understanding how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue is essential for a smooth development experience.

5 Solutions to Fix the Error

Check for Typos and Naming

Sometimes the error is as simple as a typo in the class name or filename. PHP is case-sensitive for class names and file names (depending on the operating system).

  1. Confirm class name in instantiation matches the class definition.
  2. Ensure file names correspond correctly with class names.
  3. Double-check folder names in the include path.


// Incorrect instantiation
$myobject = new myClass;
// Correct instantiation
$myobject = new MyClass;

Performance Discussion: This solution has no performance impact.

Notes: Pay close attention to case sensitivity, as typos are easy to overlook.

Verify Autoloading Configuration

If your project uses an autoloader, ensure it is set up correctly. Autoloaders dynamically load classes without the need for manual ‘require’ or ‘include’ statements.

  1. Check if your autoloader is properly registered.
  2. Verify if the class location is correctly configured within the autoloader.
  3. Make sure to follow PSR-4 guidelines for autoloading if applicable.


// Example using Composer's autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Autoloaded class instantiation
$myobject = new MyClass;

Performance Discussion: An optimized autoloader can improve performance by loading classes on-demand.

Notes: An incorrect autoloader configuration can lead to classes not being found; thus, ensure autoloader paths are correctly set.

Include or Require the Correct File Path

Without an autoloader, you need to include or require the class file manually.

  1. Use ‘require_once’ or ‘include_once’ to load your class file.
  2. Double-check the file path is correct and reachable from the current script.
  3. Avoid relative paths if possible to prevent path-related issues.


// Including class file manually
require_once 'path/to/MyClass.php';

// Instantiate the class
$myobject = new MyClass;

Performance Discussion: Large projects may experience a performance hit due to many include/require statements.

Notes: Consider using an autoloader for larger projects to clean up the code and improve performance.

Namespace Consistency

If your classes are namespaced, errors can occur if namespaces or use statements are inconsistent or incorrect.

  1. Confirm that namespace declarations match the directory structure.
  2. Ensure consistency in namespace use and class instantiation.
  3. If using use statements, make sure they’re correct and pointing to the right class.


// Declaring a namespace
namespace MyProject\Utility;
class MyClass {}

// Using the namespaced class
use MyProject\Utility\MyClass;

// Instantiate the class
$myobject = new MyClass;

Performance Discussion: Namespaces themselves do not impact performance but have organizational benefits.

Notes: Namespaces are powerful for avoiding class name conflicts, but they must be properly managed.

Class Declaration Errors

Sometimes the problem may be with the class file itself. Ensure that the class is declared and the file does not have PHP errors that prevent it from loading.

  1. Open the PHP class file and verify the class is declared with the correct name.
  2. Check for any syntax errors in the file that may prevent the class from being declared.
  3. Run a syntax check (lint) on the file using a tool or through the CLI with ‘php -l filename.php’.


// Correct class declaration
class MyClass {
    // Class properties and methods

Performance Discussion: Syntax errors or incorrect class declarations prevent the script from running, thus impacting performance.

Notes: Ensure debugging is enabled during development to catch such errors early.


Each of the mentioned solutions has its context in which it is best applied. Remember to maintain a clean and organized codebase, use version control to track changes, and test thoroughly to prevent such errors from occurring in production environments.