PHP keywords and reserved words you should know

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Mastering PHP requires not only understanding its syntax but also being familiar with the language’s keywords and reserved words. This tutorial offers insights into these critical components, complete with code snippets to demonstrate their usage.

Understanding PHP Keywords

Keywords in PHP are special words that have specific meanings and functions within the language. These are reserved by PHP, which means that they cannot be used as names for classes, functions, or variables. Adhering to this rule is essential to ensure that your PHP code is both valid and functional.

Basic Keyword Example

    if (condition) {
        // ... code to execute if condition is true

The if word is a keyword that signifies a conditional statement in PHP.

Reserved Words in PHP

Unlike keywords, reserved words may not have a specific function in the current version of PHP but could be used in future releases. Like keywords, reserved words should not be used for naming symbols within your PHP code.

Reserved Words Example

    // 'list' is a reserved word and also a function. As of PHP 7.0.0, 'list' can be used as a variable name but it's not recommended.
    $list = array('apple', 'orange', 'banana');

Common PHP Keywords

PHP offers a variety of keywords, each serving unique purposes, from defining functions to setting visibility of class properties and methods.

Declaring Functions

The keyword function is used to declare functions. Following the keyword, a valid function name and a set of parentheses for parameters are required.

    function myFunction($param) {
        echo $param;

Class Properties and Methods

When defining classes, you will encounter a range of visibility keywords like public, protected, and private, which determine where properties and methods can be accessed from.

    class MyClass {
        public $publicProperty = 'Accessible everywhere';
        protected $protectedProperty = 'Accessible within the class and its descendants';
        private $privateProperty = 'Accessible only within the defining class';

        public function myMethod() {
            // ... method code

Keyword Exceptions

Even with the general rules for keywords and reserved words, there are exceptional cases that exhibit unique behaviors.

Using Namespaces

With the namespace keyword, you can encapsulate your code, avoiding name collisions between your code and third-party libraries.

    namespace MyProject;

    class MyClass {
        // ... class code

Variable Variables

Interestingly, PHP allows the use of variable variables, which is an advanced feature where the name of a variable is stored in another variable.

    $varName = 'foo';
    $varName = 'bar'; // Equivalent to $foo = 'bar';

    echo $foo; // Outputs 'bar'

Keyword Best Practices

Working with keywords and reserved words requires adhering to a set of best practices that can bolster the clarity, maintainability, and integrity of your PHP code.

  • Consistently adhere to case sensitivity rules, even though PHP keywords are case-insensitive.
  • Refrain from using reserved words as symbols in your code, even if currently permissible.
  • Employ namespacing judiciously to prevent name collisions.


In conclusion, an intimate understanding of PHP’s keywords and reserved words is paramount for all developers working with this language. A clear grasp of these terms will ensure that your PHP code is effective and issue-free.