How to use sessions in PHP

Updated: January 12, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to PHP Sessions

Sessions are a server-side storage mechanism that helps to maintain data across multiple pages. Unlike cookies, session data is not stored on the user’s computer but on the server. However, a session ID is sent to the user’s browser to identify the session. Let’s dive into how PHP manages sessions.

Handling sessions is a critical part of web application development, allowing you to store user data between HTTP requests. In PHP, understanding and correctly utilizing sessions can enhance your application’s user experience immensely. This tutorial will guide you through using PHP sessions, including creating, accessing, modifying, and destroying them securely.

Starting a PHP Session

The first step in working with sessions is starting one, which is done using the session_start() function. This needs to be called before any output is sent to the browser, as it sends the session ID cookie to the client.


Once the session has started, you can store and access session data using the global $_SESSION array.

Storing Data in a Session

To store data in a session, assign values to the $_SESSION array using keys.

// Starting the session

// Storing session data
$_SESSION['user_id'] = '123';
$_SESSION['user_name'] = 'John Doe';

The session data is now registered and can be accessed on subsequent requests.

Accessing Session Data

Accessing session data is as simple as starting the session and then referencing the correct keys in the $_SESSION array.


// Accessing session data
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$user_name = $_SESSION['user_name'];

echo "Welcome {$user_name}";

This data will be available until the session is terminated or the data is removed.

Altering Session Data

If you need to change the session data, just overwrite it in the $_SESSION array.


// Altering session data
$_SESSION['user_name'] = 'Jane Doe';

Deleting Session Data

To remove a specific item from session data, use the unset() function. To destroy all of the session data, use session_destroy().


// Deleting specific session data

// Deleting all session data

When destroying a session, the session data on the server is removed, and the session ID cookie on the client’s browser is also invalidated.

Securing PHP Sessions

Sessions can be vulnerable to hijacking and other attacks. Follow these best practices to secure your PHP sessions:

  • Use session_regenerate_id() to regenerate the session ID periodically, especially upon a change in the user’s privilege level.
  • Store the session data in a secure location with limited permissions.
  • Implement session timeouts or expirations.
  • Use secure, HTTPS connections to prevent session IDs from being intercepted during transmission.
  • Sanitize and validate all session data to prevent session fixation and other attacks.


Understanding PHP sessions is fundamental to building functional web applications. By following the steps and security practices outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively utilize sessions in your PHP projects to manage user state and data securely between HTTP requests.