Laravel Eloquent: 3 Ways to Check if a Record Exists

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


If you are working with Laravel’s Eloquent ORM, checking for the existence of records in the database is a common task that can be approached in several ways. This guide explores diverse methods to perform this check effectively using Eloquent, offering insights into the use cases, performance implications, and code practices surrounding each solution.

Approach 1: Using the exists() Method

The exists() method provides a simple, straightforward way to check for the presence of a record within a database table. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether any records satisfy the query constraints.


  1. Begin with the Eloquent query builder to define the model and the conditions for the record search.
  2. Append the exists() method to the query.
  3. Check the boolean result returned by the exists() method.

Code example:

$userExists = User::where('email', '[email protected]')->exists(); 

if ($userExists) { 
  echo "User exists."; 
} else { 
  echo "User does not exist."; 


This method is efficient because it uses a SELECT EXISTS (…) query under the hood, which can be quicker than fetching a full record. It is suitable for conditions where only the existence check is required, not the actual data.

Approach 2: Using the first() Method with a Conditional

The first() method is used to retrieve the first record that matches the query constraints. When combined with a conditional check, it becomes a way to verify record existence.


  1. Use the Eloquent query builder to define the search criteria.
  2. Retrieve the first result using the first() method.
  3. Evaluate if the result is not null to confirm the existence of the record.

Code example

$user = User::where('email', '[email protected]')->first(); 

if ($user) { 
  echo "User exists."; 
} else { 
  echo "User does not exist."; 


This technique can result in slightly more overhead than the exists() method if the first row of the result set is large, as it retrieves the actual record data. It is beneficial when you need to work with the data of the existing record immediately after the check.

Approach 3: Counting Records

Implementing a count check is another way to assess if records exist. By counting the number of records that match the criteria, you can infer their existence if the count is greater than zero.

List of steps

  1. Start with the Eloquent query builder to specify the search conditions.
  2. Use the count() method to get the total number of records that match the criteria.
  3. Compare the count to zero to determine if records exist.

Code example

$userCount = User::where('email', '[email protected]')->count(); 

if ($userCount > 0) { 
  echo "Users exist."; 
} else { 
  echo "No users found."; 


Although this solution is clear and understandable, it can be less performant on large tables or complex queries, as counting requires a full scan of all the matched rows. Opt for this method when you need the actual count of records in addition to the existence check.


Several eloquent methods can be employed to check for the existence of records in a Laravel application. The exists() method is optimal for simple existence checks with less overhead. For scenarios where the record data is also required, the first() method serves well, offering the data and existence check in one query. The count() method is the option of choice when the number of matched records is needed, despite potential count-related performance impacts on large datasets. Selecting the appropriate method largely depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand, considering the balance between performance and use case necessities.