Laravel error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When using Laravel, you might encounter an error stating ‘Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes,’ especially when running migrations for a fresh database. This is one of the common errors affecting those using older versions of MySQL or MariaDB. In this tutorial, we will explore several solutions to address this issue.

Understanding the Error

The error signifies that your database does not support the default string length used by Laravel’s migrations for character columns that will be indexed. By default, Laravel uses a string length of 255 characters. When a character set like utf8mb4 is used, each character may use up to 4 bytes, therefore for a string of 255 characters, it tries to reserve 255 * 4 = 1020 bytes, which is above the maximum allowed key length of 767 bytes in some database engines.


Changing Default String Length

By changing the default string length, it would reduce the key size, hence avoiding the error.

In your AppServiceProvider.php file, inside the boot method, set a default string length:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()

The code effectively makes sure the key length is well within the limits of the storage engine used by older database versions.

Configuring Database Engine

Alternatively, you can set a specific database engine in configuration, which supports larger index lengths.

Deploy the default Laravel database configuration: Edit config/database.php; inside the ‘mysql’ connection, modify as follows:

'engine' => 'InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC',

This setup tells the database to use a more dynamic row format allowing for larger index keys.

Using Service Providers

Create a service provider that manages the strength of the keys.

  1. Generate a new service provider:
  2. Include logic to effect necessary changes in your migrations depending on database type and version:


// Terminal command
class DatabaseServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        // Place check-and-resolve code here

The advantage here is that it can provide a more hands-off way to handle migrations across multiple environments with different database constraints.

Conclusion and Best Practices

While the error ‘Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes’ can be troublesome, it can generally be resolved quite simply. Adjusting the default string length to 191 characters often solves the problem without the need for further action and planting this operation in the AppServiceProvider sums up to an application-wide fix. However, configuring the database engine or using a dedicated service provider can offer a more specialized and automated solution in more complex environments.

Note that these alterations are typically only necessary when using older database systems. Modern installations of MySQL and MariaDB now use the innodb_large_prefix option by default, which lifts this limitation. Thus, it is highly recommended always to keep your database engine up-to-date.