Laravel: How to Pass PHP Variables to JavaScript in Blade Templates

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In modern web applications, it’s not uncommon to combine server-rendered templates with client-side interactivity powered by JavaScript. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, offers an elegant templating engine called Blade, which makes it easy to connect PHP back-end logic with front-end JavaScript. This tutorial covers several methods for passing PHP variables to JavaScript within Laravel’s Blade templates.

Understanding Blade

Before diving into passing variables, it’s important to have a basic understanding of Blade. Blade is the simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with Laravel, known for its elegant syntax and ability to inherit and extend layouts. Inside your Blade views – typically located in the resources/views directory – you write HTML mixed with Blade directives, which are processed on the server to produce the final HTML sent to the client.

Passing Variables: The Basics

Here’s the simplest way to pass a PHP variable to JavaScript:

    var myVar = @json($phpVar);

This leverages Blade’s @json directive, which turns a PHP variable into its JSON equivalent, ensuring that it’s correctly formatted for JavaScript consumption. The produced output in the HTML would look something like this:

    var myVar = {"name":"John","age":30};

This method is appropriate for simple scenarios where you need to pass basic data types or array structures.

Using Blade’s Stack Directive

In cases where you wish to standardize how scripts are included across different views, you can utilize Blade’s @stack directive. Place a stack directive in your main layout file and then push to the stack from child views:

<!-- In main layout -->

<!-- In child view -->
    var userDetails = @json($userDetails);

This method bundles all your script customizations in one place, making your templates neater and your JavaScript easier to manage.

Utilizing Controller Data

Another approach involves directly passing data from a controller to a view. When returning a view from your controller, you can include additional data:

public function showUserProfile()
    return view('user.profile', ['user' => User::find(1)]);

In your Blade template, you can then access the $user object:

    var user = @json($user);

However, this method should be used prudently to avoid passing sensitive data to the client side unintentionally, as it is accessible through the source code of the webpage.

Using a Global JavaScript Object

For a more advanced approach, you can encapsulate all your PHP variables into a global JavaScript object. This can keep namespaced and organized:

window.Laravel = {
    user : @json($user),
    roles : @json($roles)

This pattern is very useful when you need to make multiple PHP variables available globally in your JavaScript files. It avoids polluting the global namespace excessively and groups related data logically under the Window.Laravel object.

Complex Data Structures

Passing more complex data structures, such as collections or Eloquent models, requires careful handling. Relations and dates within these structures may need special attention and, potentially, serialization. A safe way to do this is to transform your structures to arrays or JSON prior to assigning them to JavaScript variables:

$posts = Post::with('comments')->get();
return view('blog.index', ['posts' => $posts->toJson()]);

And in your Blade template:

    var posts = JSON.parse('{!! $posts !!}');

The use of the {!! !!} directive prevents Blade from escaping the output, which is necessary here since toJson() produces a JSON string. Both @json and {{ }} would automatically escape the output leading to double encoding. Use this with caution to avoid XSS vulnerabilities, ensuring your data is clean before printing it unescaped.

Best Practices for Security

When passing PHP variables to JavaScript, always consider the security implications. Sanitize the data if necessary, use escaping functions to prevent XSS attacks, and never expose sensitive information. Laravel provides many tools for this (like e() for HTML entities encoding).

Frontend Build Tools

For larger applications, particularly those using front-end frameworks like Vue or React, you might compile your assets with tools like Laravel Mix, Webpack, or even use Laravel’s Vite integration. In such cases, you can pass data to your JavaScript app using global variables as shown earlier or adopt package specific strategies such as inline scripts or using dynamic imports with promises.


Passing data from PHP to JavaScript in Laravel Blade templates can be achieved through various methods, depending on your application’s structure and data complexity. While it’s a powerful feature, developers must handle it with care, particularly concerning the security of the data being passed. By following these practices, you can seamlessly integrate PHP and JavaScript while keeping your application organized and secure.