PHP Array Slicing: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Array slicing in PHP allows developers to extract a subset of an array. This fundamental technique enables efficient data management and manipulation, critical for any PHP-powered application. This guide introduces PHP array slicing, demonstrating basic to advanced concepts with clear examples.

Introduction to Array Slicing

In PHP, slicing an array means copying a portion of the array into a new array. The original array remains unchanged, while the new array contains only the elements that were “sliced” out. The array_slice() function is used for this purpose:

$originalArray = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"];
$slicedArray = array_slice($originalArray, 1, 2);


    [0] => b
    [1] => c

This code snippet slices the array starting at index 1 and includes the next 2 elements.

Basic Array Slicing With array_slice()

If you want to slice an array from a certain position until the end, you can omit the length parameter:

$array = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry"];
$slicedToEnd = array_slice($array, 2);


    [0] => cherry
    [1] => date
    [2] => elderberry

Here, the function slices everything from the third element (index 2) onward.

Selective Array Slicing

You can also create slices with non-sequential keys. It’s possible to do this with a combination of array_slice() and array_keys():

$assocArray = [
    "first" => "apple",
    "second" => "banana",
    "third" => "cherry",
    "fourth" => "date",
    "fifth" => "elderberry"
$keysToSlice = ["second", "fourth"];
$selectedSlices = array_intersect_key($assocArray, array_flip($keysToSlice));


    [second] => banana
    [fourth] => date

This approach selectively slices elements with the respective keys.

Using Negative Indices

PHP’s array_slice() supports negative indices for the start and length parameters, counting from the end of the array:

$array = ["pencil", "eraser", "sharpener", "ruler", "compass"];
$sliceNegativeIndices = array_slice($array, -3, 2);


    [0] => sharpener
    [1] => ruler

Here, the slice begins at the third element from the end of the array and takes two elements.

Preserving Keys

By default, array_slice() reindexes the sliced elements unless you set the optional preserve_keys parameter to true:

$assocArray = [
    10 => "ten",
    20 => "twenty",
    30 => "thirty",
    40 => "forty",
    50 => "fifty"
$preservedSlice = array_slice($assocArray, 1, 3, true);


    [20] => twenty
    [30] => thirty
    [40] => forty

The keys are preserved, maintaining their original associations.

Advanced Slicing Patterns

More sophisticated slicing can be achieved by combining array_slice() with functions like array_filter() and array_values(). You can filter an array by some criteria, slice it thereafter, and then re-index it:

$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
$evenNumbers = array_filter($array, function($value) {return $value % 2 === 0;});
$evenNumbersSliced = array_slice($evenNumbers, 1, 3);
$evenNumbersReIndexed = array_values($evenNumbersSliced);


    [0] => 4
    [1] => 6
    [2] => 8

Filtering evens, slicing, and reindexing demonstrates a more advanced use of array slicing.


This guide has traversed the path from the simple use of array_slice() to more sophisticated examples embedding additional PHP array functions. Grasping the potential of PHP array slicing empowers developers to wield arrays with precision and efficiency, reinforcing the foundation of robust PHP application design.