Laravel Blade: How to escape dangerous HTML & JavaScript

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel’s templating engine, Blade, is designed to bring convenience and high-level abstraction to the realm of HTML rendering within PHP. However, with convenience often comes risk, especially when dealing with dynamic content that can include user-generated input. To maintain the security of your Laravel applications, escaping content to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks is crucial. Here, we delve into the mechanisms Laravel Blade provides for escaping dangerous HTML and JavaScript.

Understanding XSS Attacks

Before jumping into the how-to, it’s essential to understand what an XSS attack entails. Cross-Site Scripting is a security breach where the attacker injects malicious scripts into content delivered to end-users. The implications can range from cookie theft and session hijacking to complete control over the victims’ browser interactions with the infected site.

The Importance of Escaping in Blade

Escaping is the act of treating data that will be introduced to HTML output as plain text. By doing so, potential HTML and JavaScript included in the data can’t be executed by the browser, mitigating the risk of an XSS attack.

Using Curly Braces

Blade templates automatically escape data using double curly braces which invokes the htmlspecialchars PHP function:

{{ raw_html_variable }}

This syntax converts special characters to HTML entities. For instance:

<script>alert('Hello, world!')</script>

gets rendered as:

&lt;script&gt;alert('Hello, world!')&lt;/script&gt;

Thus preventing the script from executing.

Avoiding Auto-escaping

Sometimes, you may need to render HTML from your variables. The Blade syntax for that is slightly different, using {!! and !!}:

{!! raw_html_variable !!}

Note: Only use this when you’re certain that the content does not contain user-generated input or has been sanitized through a filtering library like HTML Purifier.

Escaping within Blade Directives

Laravel Blade also offers various directives for control structures. When using these with dynamic content, ensure you escape the output, just as you would with raw PHP:

@foreach ($users as $user)
    <li>{{ $user->name }}</li>

This applies any kind of output within a directive.

Displaying Unescaped Data

For those times when you’re certain the data is safe and should not be escaped, Laravel Blade does offer an option, as mentioned before. However, this bears repeating: be extremely cautious with the {!! !!} syntax, as it will render exactly what’s in the provided string.

Custom Blade Directives

If you find yourself frequently needing to escape content in a certain way, Laravel allows you to define custom directives to handle escaping:

Blade::directive('escapeJs', function ($expression) {
    return "<?php echo htmlentities(' . $expression . ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') ?>";

Now you can use @escapeJs($javascriptVariable) securely within your Blade templates.


Securing your web application by preventing XSS attacks is a critical component of web development. Luckily, Laravel Blade offers straightforward and robust mechanisms for escaping potentially harmful content. By escaping dangerous HTML and JavaScript, you’ll help ensure the integrity and security of your applications.

Always remember to filter and escape all user-generated content and to only bypass the built-in escaping when you have absolute control over and trust in the content you’re displaying. Keeping these practices in mind will maintain the safety and reliability of your web application.