Laravel Eloquent error: 1615 Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel Eloquent Error 1615 can be a perplexing issue for any developer working with Laravel and its Eloquent ORM. The error typically surfaces when using the MySQL database and is associated with prepared statements, which are a means of executing the same query efficiently multiple times. In this guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this error and explore various solutions for resolving it.

Understanding The Error

Error 1615 is indicative of an issue whereby the plan for a prepared statement that the server has generated cannot be executed as is and necessitates re-preparation. This issue often has its roots in MySQL’s prepared statement buffer. Under certain conditions, the MySQL server deems the prepared statement as unsatisfactory or unexecutable, prompting the error.

Possible Causes

  • Table schema changes: If there’s been an alteration in the table schema after the preparation of the statement.
  • Server settings: Specific MySQL server configurations related to the prepared statement buffer might be set too low.
  • Expired prepared statements: Occurs if the prepared statements cache has exceeded its expiration time or limit.

Solutions to Fix Error 1615

Solution 1 – Adjust MySQL Server Parameters

Altering MySQL server parameters like table_definition_cache and table_open_cache can help prevent server from running out of the resources required by the prepared statements.


  1. Open your MySQL server configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini).
  2. Locate the [mysqld] section and increase the values for table_definition_cache and table_open_cache.
  3. Save changes and restart the MySQL server.

Code Example:


After restarting MySQL, the new settings will be applied.

Solution 2 – Clear Eloquent Query Cache

Clearing the Eloquent query cache ensures all the old cached statements are purged and fresh ones are created.


  1. Execute php artisan cache:clear in your terminal to clear your application’s cache.
  2. Restart your Laravel application to ensure the effects take place.

Notes: This solution is simple and often effective, but it is a temporary measure; if the underlying problem persists, the error might reoccur.

Solution 3 – Monitor and Optimize Queries

Overly complex or unoptimized queries may lead to the error due to inefficiencies in the preparation and execution of statements.

Steps to implement:

  1. Review your queries to ensure they are as efficient as possible.
  2. Refactor any code that may be creating unnecessarily complex queries.
  3. Use the Laravel Debugbar or query logging to monitor the performance of your queries.

Properly optimized queries should be shorter and less resource-intensive.

Notes: Monitoring queries is an ongoing task but results in more efficient usage of database resources and can ward off many types of errors.