Laravel: How to append to a section in Blade

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel’s Blade templating engine provides a powerful and convenient way to build the structure of your web application’s front-end. One of its features is the ability to define sections of content that can be easily injected into different layouts or views. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to efficiently append content to a section within your Blade templates.

Understanding Blade Sections and Layouts

Before diving into appending sections, let’s understand the basics. In Blade, sections are defined using @section() and are injected into layouts using @yield() or @show. A typical layout file might look like this:

<!-- resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php -->
        <div class="container">

A child view might extend this layout and define content for the content section:

<!-- resources/views/posts/index.blade.php -->

    <!-- The post content -->

Basic Appending to Sections

Appending content to a section can be achieved by using the @parent directive. This directive will be replaced by the content of the section of the same name from the parent view.

    <p>This is the original content.</p>
    <p>This content is appended!</p>

The rendered HTML will look like this:

<div class="container">
    <p>This is the original content.</p>
    <p>This content is appended!</p>

Using Blade Stack for Appending

Laravel’s Blade also provides a feature known as ‘stacks’, which are essentially placeholder stacks for which you can push content from anywhere in your child or include templates. Here’s how you can define a stack:

<!-- resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php -->

And then append to it from child views:

    <script>console.log('Script from child view!');</script>

If you want to add more scripts to the stack later, simply use another @push directive:

    <script>alert('Another script!');</script>

All scripts will be included in the order they were pushed onto the stack:

    <!-- Content Output -->
    <script>console.log('Script from child view!');</script>
    <script>alert('Another script!');</script>

Advanced Appending With Named Stacks

For more control, you can also name your stacks, allowing you to manage multiple stacks within a single layout. Here’s how you create a named stack within your Blade template:


And throughout your application, you can push content onto these named stacks as needed:

    <script>console.log('Loaded inline script.');</script>

    <p>This is custom footer content.</p>

Content is neatly arranged in their corresponding stacks when the layout is rendered:

<!-- scripts stack content here -->
<script>console.log('Loaded inline script.');</script>

<!-- footer stack content here -->
<p>This is custom footer content.</p>

Appending to Sections in Included Subviews

Blade also lets you include subviews within your views using the @include directive. You can still append to your sections or push onto your stacks from within these subviews by simply using the same @section or @push directives:


    <!-- ... -->
    <p>Extra content appended from a subview.</p>

    <script>alert('Script from a subview.');</script>

And in your partial:

<!-- resources/views/partials/notice.blade.php --> 
<p>Special notice: this comes from a subview.</p>

Which appends nicely within the layout’s sections and stacks just as if it was part of the main child view:

<div class="container">
    <!-- Original and extra content -->
    <p>Special notice: this comes from a subview.</p>
    <p>Extra content appended from a subview.</p>
<script>alert('Script from a subview.');</script>


Appending to a section in Blade enables you to build flexible and dynamic layouts in Laravel, making your view management easier and more powerful. By utilizing the @parent directive, stacks, and structured layout files, you can inject and arrange content exactly where it needs to be. Leveraging these techniques will certainly improve the scalability and maintainability of your Laravel application’s views.