How to Make a Service Lazy in Symfony

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Making services in Symfony lazy is a powerful feature that can improve the performance of your application significantly. In this tutorial, we’ll explore what lazy services are, how they work, and how you can make your services lazy in Symfony.

Understanding Lazy Services

A lazy service in Symfony is a service that is not instantiated until it is actually needed. This is particularly beneficial when you have services that require a lot of resources or are rarely used. With lazy services, you can minimize the memory consumption and the bootstrapping time of your application.

In Symfony, a service becomes lazy when it’s wrapped in a proxy class. The proxy class postpones the creation of the actual service until one of its methods is called.


Before getting started with code, make sure you have the following:

  • Basic knowledge of Symfony and its Dependency Injection component.
  • PHP 7.4 or newer and Symfony 4.4 or newer, as this tutorial uses features available in these versions.
  • An existing Symfony project or the ability to set one up.

Step-By-Step Guide to Making Services Lazy

Step 1: Configure the Service as Lazy

First, you need to mark your service as lazy in the service configuration. You can do this in the services.yaml file, like the following:

        lazy: true

Step 2: Install Proxy Manager Bridge

Before you can use lazy services, you also need to install the Symfony Proxy Manager Bridge:

composer require symfony/proxy-manager-bridge

The Proxy Manager Bridge integrates the lazy proxy feature into the service container with ease.

Step 3: Enable Autowiring and Autoconfiguration

Ensure autowiring and autoconfiguration are enabled for your service:

        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true

        lazy: true

Step 4: Create the Service Class

Create the service class that you want to make lazy. This will be a standard PHP class:


namespace App\Service;

class YourService
    // ...

Step 5: Work With Your Lazy Service

Once configured, Symfony will only instantiate YourService when it’s actually needed:


namespace App\Controller;

use App\Service\YourService;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

class YourController extends AbstractController
    private $yourService;

    public function __construct(YourService $yourService)
        $this->yourService = $yourService;

    public function index()
        // Use $this->yourService
        // It will only be instantiated at this point

Advantages of Lazy Services

  • Improved performance: We use system resources more efficiently by delaying instantiation.
  • Less memory consumption: Less memory is used on boot since non-essential services aren’t created up front.
  • Faster requests: If a service is not used during a request, it won’t be created, which can lead to faster request handling.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Not all services are good candidates for being lazy. Evaluate whether the trade-off between complexity and performance is worth it for each service.
  • Testing lazy services may require additional considerations as proxy classes can behave slightly differently than standard classes.
  • Remember that the constructor of the service will not be called until a method on the service is invoked. Be mindful of any initialization code that must run.


In conclusion, lazy services can have a great positive impact on the performance of your Symfony application. By following these steps, you’ll be able to define services in a way that they’re instantiated only when really needed, thus using your resources in a more efficient way.

By keeping services light and postponing heavy computational tasks until they’re actually required, you keep your application nimble and user-friendly. With the Symfony framework, making services lazy is straightforward, integrating smoothly with the core principles of dependency injection and service management. I hope this guide was informative and helps you implement lazy services in your Symfony projects.