Symfony Compile Error: Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Error

When developing applications with Symfony, developers might occasionally encounter a PHP compile error stating: Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression. This error is typically triggered when trying to use isset() on something other than a variable, such as the result of a function call or an expression. Understanding the reasons behind this error and knowing the solutions to fix it are crucial for a smooth development process.

Cause Analysis

The root cause of this error lies in PHP’s language constructs. The isset() language construct is meant to check if a variable exists and is not null. According to PHP’s rules, it cannot be used on the result of an expression directly because expressions do not have a variable reference that can be checked for existence.

Solution 1: Assign Expression to a Variable

The most straightforward approach to resolve this issue is to assign the result of the expression to a temporary variable and then use isset() on that variable.

  • Step 1: Identify the expression that’s causing the error.
  • Step 2: Assign the result of the expression to a temporary variable.
  • Step 3: Use isset() to check the temporary variable instead of the expression.

Code Example:

// Expression causing the compile error
// if (isset(get_some_data()['key'])) {

// Solution
$tempVariable = get_some_data();
if (isset($tempVariable['key'])) {
    // Code to execute if 'key' is set

Notes: This solution is simple and works in any PHP version. However, it introduces a temporary variable which might not be necessary if using updated PHP versions that allow isset() on expressions.

Solution 2: Null Coalesce Operator

As of PHP 7.0, the null coalesce operator ?? is a convenient alternative to isset() that can be used on expressions directly.

  • Step 1: Replace the isset() construct with the ?? operator in the expression.
  • Step 2: Provide a default value to be used if the key does not exist or the result is null.

Code Example:

// Using PHP 7.0+ Null Coalesce Operator
$value = get_some_data()['key'] ?? 'default value';

Notes: This method provides a clean and concise syntax, but it requires PHP 7.0 or newer. It is not just a solution for the error, but also a neat way of providing default values for missing keys.

Final Words

Each of these solutions addresses the underlying cause in a different manner. They come with their own sets of advantages and caveats, but by employing either method, developers can overcome the Cannot use isset() on the result of an expression error effectively and keep their Symfony applications running smoothly.