How to Enable/Disable Blade Template Caching in Laravel

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel’s Blade templating engine offers an expressive syntax coupled with the convenience of robust caching. Blade templates are compiled into plain PHP code and cached until they are modified, significantly reducing overhead on your server and speeding up the rendering process. However, there are scenarios during development or debugging where you may want to deliberately enable or disable this caching. In this guide, we will explore how to do so, providing useful insights and actionable code examples along the way.

Understanding Blade Caching

Blade template caching is an automated process in Laravel. When a Blade template is rendered for the first time, Laravel compiles it into plain PHP code and stores this in the storage/framework/views directory. Subsequent requests for the same view will fetch the already compiled version. This means you don’t have to compile your templates on every request, which is a huge performance gain.

Nonetheless, in a development environment, you might prefer templates to be recompiled on every change, to ensure that the latest changes are immediately visible. To facilitate this, Laravel checks the file modification time of your Blade templates against the compiled views. If the original template has been modified, Laravel will recompile it.

Disabling Blade Caching

To disable Blade caching in Laravel, there isn’t a configuration option to do so directly. Nonetheless, you could use a workaround by clearing the compiled views manually or programmatically. Below is how you might approach it:

Route::get('/clear-cache', function () {
    return 'Compiled views cleared!';

This route can be visited whenever you need to clear the view cache. As a best practice, you shouldn’t expose such functionality in a production environment.

An alternative way is to use one of Laravel’s tasks scheduling functions to clear the cache periodically. In your App\Console\Kernel class, within the scheduled tasks function, you can schedule the view cache to be cleared:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

While disabling Blade caching can be helpful in development, it should never be done in a production environment. It increases file system I/O and CPU load significantly, which can make your application perform poorly under load and use more server resources than necessary.

Enabling Blade Caching

In production, you might want to ensure caching is always enabled to optimize performance. This is Laravel’s default behavior, but if you’re concerned that your application might not adhere to this, you could enforce it in your deployment script or similar:

php artisan view:cache

This command will precompile all of your Blade views so they are ready immediately upon the first request after deployment.

Controlling Cache with Environmental Configuration

Another approach to control template caching is to use different environment configurations for local development and production. In your .env file, you can specify environment variables:


In your service provider or middleware, you could conditionally clear the view cache based on these variables:

if (app()->environment('local') {

This method ensures you’re dynamically controlling the behavior based on the environment your application is currently running in.


Understanding how to control Blade cache effectively allows you to optimize your development workflow and your application’s performance. Always make sure to adapt these strategies prudently, keeping your application’s environment and state in mind.

By following the guidance provided in this tutorial, you’re now able to fine-tune how Laravel handles Blade template caching. Whether you aim to optimize the development process or maximize efficiency in production, you have the knowledge to mold Laravel’s behavior to your needs.