Single-Quotes and Double-Quotes in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PHP, the way you use quotes can affect string interpretation, variable parsing, and the overall performance of your application. Understanding the nuances between single-quotes (‘) and double-quotes (“) is pivotal for writing efficient and bug-free code.

Basic Use of Quotes

Let’s begin with the simplest use cases. In PHP, you can define a string using either single or double quotes:

$single_quoted = 'This is a string';
$double_quoted = "This is also a string";

While they seem interchangeable, they behave differently when it comes to processing variables and escape sequences.

Variables Inside Quotes

$variable = 'world';
$single_quoted = 'Hello, $variable';
$double_quoted = "Hello, $variable";
echo $single_quoted; // Outputs: Hello, $variable
echo $double_quoted; // Outputs: Hello, world

In single quotes, the variable will not be parsed; it’s treated as a literal string. In double quotes, however, the variable is parsed and its value is included in the string.

Escape Sequences

$single_quoted = 'He said, \'Hello world\'';
$double_quoted = "He said, \"Hello world\"";
echo $single_quoted; // Outputs: He said, 'Hello world'
echo $double_quoted; // Outputs: He said, "Hello world"

Escape sequences like \n (newline), \t (tab), and others are only interpreted in double quotes. Single quotes only recognize \\ and \\’.

Concatenation and Quotes

Combining strings, known as concatenation, works with both single and double quotes but the syntax slightly differs:

$first = 'John';
$last = 'Doe';
$single_quoted = 'Name: ' . $first . ' ' . $last;
$double_quoted = "Name: $first $last";

In single quotes, you must manually concatenate using the dot operator, while in double quotes, variables can be directly included.

Performance Considerations

It’s often debated whether single quotes are faster than double quotes. The difference is negligible in most applications, but single quotes may be slightly more performant when processing large strings, as they avoid the overhead of variable parsing.

Complex Variable Parsing

With double quotes, you can include complex variable expressions like accessing array elements or object properties:

$arr = ['fruit' => 'apple', 'color' => 'green'];
$double_quoted = "I like {$arr['fruit']}s";

Curly braces can help delimit the variable you want to parse within the string.

Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntaxes

PHP offers two additional string syntaxes, heredoc and nowdoc, which function like double and single quotes respectively.


// Heredoc Syntax
$heredocString = <<<EOD
This is a heredoc string.
It allows for multiline text.
Variables like \$name will be interpreted: $name

// Nowdoc Syntax
$nowdocString = <<<'EOT'
This is a nowdoc string.
It behaves similar to single-quoted strings.
Variables like \$name will not be interpreted: $name

echo $heredocString . "\n";
echo $nowdocString . "\n";


They are useful for defining large blocks of text without worrying about quoting issues.

Best Practices

When working with strings in PHP, it’s best to use single quotes unless you need variable parsing or escape sequences which are supported by double quotes. Be consistent in your use of quotes to make your code more readable and maintainable.


While they may appear to offer the same functionality, single and double quotes in PHP serve different purposes. By choosing the right type based on the requirements of the situation, you can write more effective PHP code. Always remember that small details can significantly influence the readability, maintainability, and performance of your code.