Explaining numpy.promote_types() function (5 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


numpy.promote_types() is a little-known but powerful function within NumPy, a cornerstone library for numerical computing in Python. This function is designed to determine the smallest data type that can safely and effectively accommodate arrays of different data types, crucial for efficient memory use and avoiding data loss through overflow or downcasting. This tutorial aims to shed light on its utility through five comprehensive examples.

Syntax & Parameters

Before diving into examples, it’s important to understand that numpy.promote_types() takes two arguments, both data types, and returns the data type capable of representing both inputs without loss of information. Data types are typically denoted by a character code, like 'int32' for a 32-bit integer or 'float64' for a 64-bit floating-point number.

Here’s the syntax:

numpy.promote_types(type1, type2)


  • type1, type2: These are the data types you want to compare. They can be specified as dtype objects or anything that can be interpreted as a numpy data type (e.g., strings like 'int32' or 'float64', or dtype objects).


  • out: The smallest data type that can safely hold elements of both type1 and type2.

Example 1: Basic Usage

import numpy as np

# Promoting integer and float types
result = np.promote_types('int32', 'float64')
# Output: float64

This example demonstrates the most straightforward use of the function: promoting an integer and a floating-point number. The result, float64, can safely handle the range and precision of both inputs.

Example 2: Promoting Across Different Integers

import numpy as np

# Promoting two different integer types
result = np.promote_types('int8', 'int64')
# Output: int64

Here, the function chooses int64 since it can represent all int8 values without loss.

Example 3: Complex Numbers

import numpy as np

# Promoting a float and a complex number
result = np.promote_types('float32', 'complex64')
# Output: complex64

When promoting a floating-point type and a complex number, numpy.promote_types() selects the complex type, acknowledging the need to represent both magnitude and phase information.

Example 4: Time and Dates

import numpy as np

# Promoting datetime and timedelta
result = np.promote_types('datetime64[ns]', 'timedelta64[ns]')
# Output: datetime64[ns]

This example showcases the application of numpy.promote_types() in handling date and time data. It illustrates that the function can intelligently handle even complex, non-numeric data types.

Example 5: Handling User-Defined Data Types

Advanced users might define custom data types using NumPy’s structured arrays or Python’s classes. Let’s explore how numpy.promote_types() works in such scenarios:

import numpy as np
dtype1 = np.dtype([('field1', 'int32'), ('field2', 'float64')])
dtype2 = np.dtype([('field1', 'int64')])

# Promoting structured data types
dtype_result = np.promote_types(dtype1, dtype2)
# Output: [('field1', 'int64'), ('field2', 'float64')]

In this intricate example, the function managed to compare and promote user-defined structured data types. The result is a new data type that encompasses fields from both inputs without data loss, demonstrating the function’s versatility beyond primitive types.


The numpy.promote_types() function is an efficient tool for managing data types in complex numerical computations, ensuring that operations across varied data types remain safe and data integrity is preserved. Through these examples, we’ve seen its ability to handle a wide range of scenarios, making it an indispensable part of the NumPy library.