Understanding numpy.bitwise_and() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The numpy.bitwise_and() function is an essential component within NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. This function allows for bit-wise AND operations on array elements. Understanding how to utilize numpy.bitwise_and() is crucial for anyone looking to perform bitwise arithmetic operations, particularly in fields involving image processing, digital signal processing, and data compression. In this tutorial, we will explore the numpy.bitwise_and() function through four illustrative examples, ranging from basic to advanced usage.

What is Bitwise AND?

The bitwise AND operation compares the bit patterns of two numbers and returns a new number whose bits are set to 1 only if the corresponding bits of both operands are 1. In simpler terms, it performs the logical AND operation on each pair of the two input values’ bits. The operation is fundamental in computer science for manipulating binary data.

Using numpy.bitwise_and() in Action

Before diving into examples, ensure that NumPy is installed and imported in your Python environment:

import numpy as np

Example 1: Basic Usage

For our first example, let’s look at a straightforward use of numpy.bitwise_and() to perform a bit-wise AND operation on two integers.

import numpy as np

a = 13  # Binary: 1101
b = 25  # Binary: 11001

result = np.bitwise_and(a, b)

print(f"The result of bitwise AND between {a} and {b} is {result}")


The result of bitwise AND between 13 and 25 is 9

This output is expected because the binary representation of 9 is 1001, where only the third and fourth bits from the right (in 13 and 25 respectively) are both 1.

Example 2: Bitwise AND on Arrays

Moving beyond single numbers, numpy.bitwise_and() can operate on arrays of integers. This is particularly useful for applying the same operation across multiple data points simultaneously.

arr1 = np.array([14, 25, 8, 75])
arr2 = np.array([12, 30, 4, 70])

results = np.bitwise_and(arr1, arr2)

print("Results of bitwise AND on the arrays:", results)


Results of bitwise AND on the arrays: [12 24 0 66]

Example 3: Bitwise AND with Broadcasting

In this example, we’ll see how NumPy’s broadcasting feature allows for the numpy.bitwise_and() operation between arrays of different shapes, making it highly versatile.

arr = np.array([0, 3, 8, 16])
mask = np.array([2])  # This will be broadcast

results = np.bitwise_and(arr, mask)
print("Bitwise AND with broadcasting:", results)


Bitwise AND with broadcasting: [0 2 0 0]

Example 4: Advanced Bit Manipulation

Last but not least, numpy.bitwise_and() can serve as a building block for more complex bitwise manipulations, such as masking bits in digital image processing or applying filters in digital signal processing.

# Creating a mask to filter out all but the last 4 bits
mask = np.array([15])  # Binary: 1111

# An array of 8-bit numbers
nums = np.array([120, 130, 150, 255])

filtered = np.bitwise_and(nums, mask)

print("Filtered numbers, retaining only the last 4 bits:", filtered)


Filtered numbers, retaining only the last 4 bits: [ 8 2 6 15]


The numpy.bitwise_and() function is a powerful tool for performing bitwise AND operations across arrays of integers. From basic data manipulation to advanced bit masking, this function can handle a wide range of applications. By thoroughly understanding its uses through these examples, users can enhance their data processing tasks efficiently and effectively.