NumPy ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes

Updated: February 21, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It offers powerful n-dimensional array objects and a variety of operations to perform on these arrays. However, when working with NumPy, you might encounter the ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes. This error typically occurs during arithmetic operations or when using functions that expect arrays of certain shapes. In this tutorial, we will explore the reasons behind this error and various solutions to overcome it.

Understanding Broadcasting Error

Broadcasting in NumPy allows operations on arrays of different shapes. However, for broadcasting to work, certain compatibility rules must be followed. This error is encountered when these rules are not met. The primary reasons include:

  • Attempting to perform operations on arrays with incompatible shapes.
  • Missing or misaligned dimensions between the arrays.

Solution 1: Reshape Arrays

One common solution is to reshape one or both arrays so their shapes become compatible for broadcasting.

  1. Identify the shapes of the arrays involved in the operation using the shape attribute.
  2. Determine the target shape that will make the operation possible.
  3. Use the reshape function to adjust the shapes accordingly.


import numpy as np

# Example arrays
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])

# Reshaping a to broadcast with b
a_reshaped = a.reshape((1, 3))

# Performing addition
result = a_reshaped + b

Notes: This solution requires an understanding of the final shape required for the operation. It may not be straightforward for complex operations or shapes.

Solution 2: Use the np.newaxis Attribute

Another approach is to add a new axis to an array to meet the broadcasting requirements.

  1. Identify where a new axis is needed.
  2. Use np.newaxis to add the new axis.
  3. Perform the desired operation.


import numpy as np

# Adding a new axis to array a
a_newaxis = a[:, np.newaxis]

# Now a and b can be broadcast
result = a_newaxis + b

Notes: This method is particularly useful for adding dimensions without changing the total number of elements in the array. However, it requires precise placement of the new axis for successful broadcasting.

Solution 3: Expand Dimensions

Similar to using np.newaxis, expanding the dimensions of an array can resolve the issue.

  1. Determine which array and dimension need expansion.
  2. Use np.expand_dims for adding dimensions.
  3. Execute the operation.


import numpy as np

a_expanded = np.expand_dims(a, axis=1)
result = a_expanded + b

Notes: While similar to using np.newaxis, np.expand_dims makes the intent more explicit and can be more readable, especially for those new to NumPy.


The ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes is a common issue faced when working with NumPy arrays. By understanding the principles of broadcasting and applying appropriate solutions such as reshaping arrays, using np.newaxis, or expanding dimensions, this error can be effectively resolved.