NumPy TypeError: Only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The ‘NumPy TypeError: Only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index’ can be a frustrating error for Python developers, especially those working with numerical and scientific computing using the NumPy library. This error often arises when attempting to index a NumPy array with an object that is not an integer scalar. Understanding the nature of this error and applying the correct solutions is key to resolving it quickly and efficiently.

Solution 1: Convert to Integer Before Indexing

Sometimes the issue is rooted in accidentally using a non-integer type, such as a floating-point number, as an index.

  1. Identify the cause of the non-integer indexing.
  2. Convert the index to an integer using the int() function.
  3. Retry indexing the array.
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
index = 2.0  # Cause of the error
fixed_index = int(index)  # Solution
print(arr[fixed_index])  # Output: 3

Notes: This solution is straightforward and suitable when you are certain that the index should be an integer. Be aware that using int() will truncate any decimals without rounding.

Solution 2: Use Integer Arrays for Advanced Indexing

When dealing with advanced indexing, it’s important to use arrays that contain integers. NumPy arrays with data types such as float or bool will not work.

  1. Ensure the indexing array contains integer values exclusively.
  2. Create a new integer array if necessary.
  3. Index the original array with the integer array.
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
float_indices = np.array([0.0, 1.0])
int_indices = float_indices.astype(int)
print(arr[int_indices])  # Output: [[1 2] [3 4]]

Notes: The astype(int) function conveniently converts all elements in the array to integers. This method is efficient for element-wise operations but does not work for indexing with a list of slices.

Solution 3: Use Boolean Indexing

Boolean indexing is an alternative strategy where a boolean array of the same length as the dimension being indexed can be used to filter elements.

  1. Validate the condition and ensure it returns a boolean array.
  2. Use the resulting array to index into the original array.
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
filter = arr > 20  # Step 1
result = arr[filter]  # Step 2
print(result)  # Output: [30 40 50]

Notes: This method is particularly useful when filtering by a condition. However, it is less helpful when the indices are nonsequential or more complex multi-dimensional slicing is required.

Solution 4: Check for Non-array Indexing

A slightly less common but possible cause of the error is trying to use a non-array object (such as a list or a tuple) as an index for multidimensional arrays.

  1. Ensure index objects are cast to NumPy arrays or proper Python slices.
  2. Use the correct object to perform the indexing.
import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
index_object = (1, 1)  # A tuple, which is valid
print(arr[index_object])  # Output: 4

Notes: Passing tuples as indices to NumPy arrays is a usual practice and helps when you want to access specific elements in a multi-dimensional array. Lists can also be used but could lead to the cited error if they are not integers or boolean lists.


In summary, if you encounter the ‘NumPy TypeError: Only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index’ error, the most important step is to examine the indices you are using to access array elements. Ensure they are integers, integer arrays, or boolean arrays as per the context. By understanding the underlying causes and selecting an appropriate solution, you can resolve this error and work with NumPy arrays efficiently.