NumPy – Using char.find() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

NumPy, the cornerstone library for numerical computing in Python, offers a wide array of functions designed to operate on arrays for efficient computation. Among its lesser-known treasures is the char.find() function, a method belonging to the NumPy character array class that enables users to search for substrings within an array of strings. This tutorial demonstrates the practicality and versatility of the char.find() method through a series of examples, ramping up from simple use cases to more complex applications.

Understanding char.find()

The np.char.find() function in NumPy provides a vectorized way to search for substrings within each element of an array of strings. The method returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring if it is present, otherwise, it returns -1. This functionality mirrors Python’s native str.find() method but is optimized for array processing, offering significant speed advantages when working with large datasets.

Basic Usage

import numpy as np

cities = np.array(['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston'])
results = np.char.find(cities, 'or')

In this example, we’ve searched for the substring ‘or’ in an array of city names. The output shows the indices of the first occurrence of ‘or’ in each string:

[-1  1 -1 -1]

‘Los Angeles’ contains ‘or’ at index 1, while the others do not contain ‘or’, resulting in -1.

Case Sensitivity

The char.find() function is case-sensitive, which means it distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. To perform a case-insensitive search, one could lower or upper case the entire array prior to searching. Here’s an example:

import numpy as np

cities = np.array(['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston'])
cities_lower = np.char.lower(cities)
results = np.char.find(cities_lower, 'ch')

The output is:

[ 5 -1  0  2]

This example demonstrates the position of ‘ch’ in a case-insensitive manner within the array elements.

Searching at the Beginning or End

While char.find() searches for the substring’s first appearance anywhere within the string, specific situations may necessitate finding substrings at the start or end of strings. This requirement could be addressed by further analyzing the output or pre-processing the strings. This example shows how to identify strings beginning with ‘New’:

import numpy as np

cities = np.array(['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'New Orleans'])
results = np.char.find(cities, 'New')
print(results >= 0)

By evaluating whether the indices are greater than or equal to 0, we can determine which cities start with ‘New’. The output:

[ True False False False  True]

indicates that both ‘New York’ and ‘New Orleans’ match the criteria.

Advanced Search Patterns

For more sophisticated search requirements, such as finding substrings that follow a particular pattern, users might need to resort to regular expressions. However, the char.find() function can still be useful for simpler pattern matching. For instance, finding strings that contain a numerical digit can be achieved by searching for each digit individually and combining the results:

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['Model 3', 'Cybertruck', 'Model S', 'Roadster'])
has_number = np.zeros(len(data), dtype=bool)
for digit in '0123456789':
    has_number |= np.char.find(data, digit) >= 0

The output,

[ True False  True  False]

reveals that ‘Model 3’ and ‘Model S’ contain numerical digits.


The char.find() function in NumPy is a potent tool for processing text data at scale. Through its application in basic and advanced examples alike, we’ve seen its ability to streamline workflows that involve searching strings within arrays. Understanding how to effectively leverage char.find() and other NumPy string operations can immensely improve data handling efficiency, especially in data science and machine learning projects where text data is prevalent.