Understanding numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 types (4 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In the realm of numerical computing with Python, NumPy stands out as a fundamental library that enables efficient operations on large datasets. Within NumPy’s arsenal, the data types numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 offer enhanced precision capabilities that are pivotal when dealing with extremely small or large real numbers. This tutorial aims to elucidate these types through a progression of examples from basic to advanced.

Introduction to Extended Precision Floats

Before diving into examples, it’s crucial to understand what numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 are. These data types are designed for situations where the precision of standard floating-point numbers (like float32 or float64) is insufficient. They can hold significantly more digits and are especially useful in numerical computations requiring high precision, like in scientific simulations or complex mathematical calculations.

Example 1: Basic Declaration and Arithmetic

import numpy as np

# Creating numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 variables
f96 = np.float96(1.123456789012345678901234567890)
f128 = np.float128(1.123456789012345678901234567890)

print('float96:', f96)
print('float128:', f128)

# Basic arithmetic
sum = f96 + f128
print('Sum:', sum)

This example showcases how to declare variables of numpy.float96 and numpy.float128, along with performing basic arithmetic operations. The precision of these types allows for representations of real numbers with a long sequence of digits after the decimal point.

Example 2: Precision Comparison

import numpy as np

# Compare the precision
float64_var = np.float64(1.1234567890123456)
float96_var = np.float96(1.123456789012345678901234567890)
float128_var = np.float128(1.123456789012345678901234567890)

print('float64:', float64_var)
print('float96:', float96_var)
print('float128:', float128_var)

This code snippet illustrates the difference in precision among float64, float96, and float128. The output clearly shows how the latter two types provide a significantly higher level of detail.

Example 3: Real-world Application – Calculating π to High Precision

import numpy as np

def calculate_pi(precision):
    dtype = np.float128 if precision == 'float128' else np.float96
    pi_estimate = dtype(0)
    denominator = dtype(1)
    for i in range(1000000):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            pi_estimate += dtype(4) / denominator
            pi_estimate -= dtype(4) / denominator
        denominator += 2
    return pi_estimate

pi_float96 = calculate_pi('float96')
pi_float128 = calculate_pi('float128')

print('Ï€ calculated with float96 :', pi_float96)
print('Ï€ calculated with float128:', pi_float128)

This example demonstrates the practical application of numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 in calculating π to a high degree of precision. This method, known as the Leibniz formula for π, showcases the significance of using extended precision floating-point numbers in scientific computing.

Example 4: Working with Large Arrays

import numpy as np

# Creating large arrays
array_float96 = np.array([1.2345, 2.3456, 3.4567], dtype=np.float96)
array_float128 = np.array([4.5678, 5.6789, 6.7890], dtype=np.float128)

# Operations on large arrays
sum_array = np.add(array_float96, array_float128)
print('Sum of Arrays:', sum_array)

Arrays are a cornerstone of NumPy, and utilizing numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 with arrays allows for performing operations on datasets requiring high precision. This example illustrates basic operations on large arrays.

Performance Considerations

While using high-precision types, it’s essential to be mindful of performance implications. Higher precision requires more memory and can result in slower computations. For projects not requiring the utmost precision, float64 might be a more suitable choice.

Interfacing with Other Libraries

Some scientific and mathematical libraries in Python interface well with NumPy and can leverage numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 for even more complex computations. It’s crucial to check the documentation of these libraries to understand how best to utilize extended precision numbers within their ecosystem.


The numpy.float96 and numpy.float128 data types are powerful tools in the numerical computing domain, offering the ability to perform calculations with great precision. However, their use should be weighed against the need for such precision and the associated computational costs. Selecting the right datatype is pivotal in balancing precision, performance, and memory usage.