NumPy – Using char.startswith() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

In the realm of Python data analysis, NumPy stands out as a fundamental package for scientific computing. One of its lesser-known features includes the char.startswith() function, a versatile method for string manipulation within arrays. This tutorial dives into the practicalities of char.startswith(), showcasing its utility through four increasingly complex examples.

Introduction to char.startswith()

The char.startswith() function is a part of NumPy’s string operations module. It allows you to check whether each element of a string array starts with a specified substring. Unlike its Python string method counterpart, NumPy’s char.startswith() can simultaneously process numerous elements, enhancing performance for large datasets.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date'])
result = np.char.startswith(data, 'a')


[ True False False False]

Example 1: Simple Usage

First, we’ll start with a basic example demonstrating how to use char.startswith() to filter elements in an array.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['apple', 'alpha', 'axe'])
result = np.char.startswith(data, 'a')


[ True  True  True]

Example 2: Case Sensitivity

Next, let’s explore how case sensitivity can be managed. By default, char.startswith() is case-sensitive. However, with a simple tweak, you can perform case-insensitive checks.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['apple', 'Alpha', 'axe'])
result = np.char.startswith(data, 'a', start=0, end=None, case_sensitive=False)


[ True  True  True]

Example 3: Using start and end parameters

NumPy’s char.startswith() also allows you to specify start and end positions within each element for the search. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex string data that may follow a specific pattern.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['my:apple', 'your:banana', 'their:cherry'])
result = np.char.startswith(data, 'my:', start=0, end=2)


[ True False False]

Example 4: Application in Data Processing

For our final example, we’ll showcase the function’s utility in a data processing scenario, where we filter array elements based on their starting substring to segregate data efficiently.

import numpy as np

data = np.array(['user:john', 'error:404', 'user:jane', 'success'])
result = np.char.startswith(data, 'user:')
filtered_users = data[result]


['user:john' 'user:jane']


The char.startswith() function in NumPy is a powerful tool for efficient string manipulation across large datasets. As we’ve seen through these examples, it truly shines when you need to process, filter, or categorize data based on specific string patterns en masse. Adopting these techniques can significantly streamline your data analysis workflow.