How to Handle Numerical Precision and Rounding in NumPy

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array object, and tools for working with these arrays. Handling numerical precision and rounding are common tasks while performing mathematical calculations, especially when dealing with floating-point numbers. In this tutorial, we will learn how to handle numerical precision and rounding in NumPy effectively, guided by multiple code examples.

Understanding Numerical Precision

In NumPy, numerical precision is primarily dictated by the data type of the array elements. Python and NumPy are typically built on IEEE 754 standards for floating-point arithmetic, which means they inherit characteristics such as representation limits and special values for infinites and NaN (not a number).

import numpy as np

# Floating-point precision defined by dtype
a = np.array([1.123456789], dtype=np.float32)
b = np.array([1.123456789], dtype=np.float64)

# Display the numbers with original precision
print("32-bit float:", a)
print("64-bit float:", b)

The above code shows the same number defined with two different data types, with np.float64 providing more precision than np.float32.

Setting Global Print Options

NumPy provides global print options that you can set to define how floating-point numbers are displayed. These options don’t change the precision of the numbers in the arrays, but they change how the numbers are presented when printed.


This will output the b array with a fixed number of decimal places, in this case, six.


Rounding numbers is a common task when you want to reduce precision intentionally or create a more human-readable format. NumPy offers a suite of functions to handle this.


np.round() will round an array to the specified number of decimals.

np.round(b, 4)

This rounds the value in b to four decimal places.

np.ceil() and np.floor()

np.ceil() will round up to the nearest whole number, while np.floor() will round down.


Rounding up tells NumPy to go to the closest higher integer, while rounding down moves to the closest lower integer.


np.trunc() truncates the decimal part of the number, leaving just the integer part.


Handling Small Differences

When comparing floating-point numbers, small differences can occur due to their representation in memory. To handle this, NumPy provides a function called np.isclose().

np.isclose(1.123456789, 1.123456780, atol=1e-8)

This function considers two numbers equal if they are within a tolerance limit specified by the atol parameter.

Advanced Techniques

Controlled Precision Computing with np.float128

For extremely high precision requirements, NumPy offers a np.float128 data type (though availability might depend on the platform). It should be noted, however, that computations with higher precision datatypes can be significantly slower.

c = np.array([1.123456789123456789], dtype=np.float128)

Arbitrary Precision with Decimal

Sometimes numy’s native datatypes might not offer the precision required for certain applications. In such cases, Python’s Decimal module can be utilized within NumPy arrays.

from decimal import Decimal

d = np.array([Decimal('1.123456789123456789')])

Common Pitfalls

Remember to be mindful of numerical stability and the limitations of floating-point arithmetic; operations like subtraction or addition of numbers with greatly different magnitudes can lead to loss of precision or even completely incorrect results due to underflow or overflow. Moreover, round-off errors can propagate through calculations. It is important to use the appropriate data types and algorithms to minimize the impact of these errors.


Understanding and handling numerical precision and rounding effectively is essential for scientific computation. NumPy provides a range of tools and functions designed to manage precision and influence how rounded numbers are represented and operated upon. Being aware of potential pitfalls and rounding behaviors is crucial for obtaining accurate results in numerical computations.