NumPy – Understanding ufunc.nin and ufunc.nout attributes (5 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a core library for numerical computations in Python, offers a variety of universal functions, or ufuncs, which are essential for fast array processing. Understanding ufuncs is pivotal for anyone looking to perform mathematical operations over arrays efficiently. This tutorial delves into the ufunc.nin and ufunc.nout attributes, illustrating their use and importance through five progressively advanced examples.

What are ufuncs?

Before diving into nin and <codenoutattributes, it’s crucial to grasp what ufuncs are. Ufuncs are optimized, vectorizable core functions that execute fast element-wise operations on arrays. They are part of NumPy’s robust functionality, designed to replace Python loops with high-level functions for improved performance.

Understanding ufunc.nin & ufunc.nout

The ufunc.nin attribute indicates the number of input arguments that a ufunc can take, whereas the ufunc.nout attribute specifies the number of output arguments it produces. These attributes are vital for understanding the operation of ufuncs and can assist in debugging or dynamic function application.

Example 1: Basic Usage of nin and nout

Let’s start with the simplest example by examining a well-known ufunc, np.add:

import numpy as np

# Example of np.add
print('np.add nin:', np.add.nin)
print('np.add nout:', np.add.nout)

# Output:
# np.add nin: 2
# np.add nout: 1

This clearly demonstrates how np.add takes two inputs and generates one output.

Example 2: Exploring with np.multiply

Just like np.add, we explore the characteristics of np.multiply:

import numpy as np

# Example with np.multiply
print('np.multiply nin:', np.multiply.nin)
print('np.multiply nout:', np.multiply.nout)

# Output:
# np.multiply nin: 2
# np.multiply nout: 1

This example solidifies our understanding that basic arithmetic ufuncs operate with two inputs and one output.

Example 3: Using np.divide

Moving on to a slightly more complex example, we explore np.divide:

import numpy as np

# Example of np.divide
print('np.divide nin:', np.divide.nin)
print('np.divide nout:', np.divide.nout)

# Output:
# np.divide nin: 2
# np.divide nout: 1

This example, similar to the previous ones, confirms our understanding but also hints at the uniformity across basic arithmetic ufuncs within NumPy.

Example 4: A Multifunctional Scenario with np.modf

The np.modf function is a bit more unique, as it illustrates a function that has a single input but produces multiple outputs. Let’s see it in action:

import numpy as np

# Demonstration of np.modf
arr = np.array([3.5, -2.75])

def_outputs = np.modf(arr)
print('np.modf nin:', np.modf.nin)
print('np.modf nout:', np.modf.nout)

# Outputs:
# fractional part: [ 0.5  -0.75]
# integer part: [ 3.  -3.]

This example clearly shows how np.modf accepts one input and yields two output arrays, differentiating it from the other examples.

Example 5: Advanced Manipulation with np.frompyfunc

For our final example, we’ll delve into creating custom ufuncs via np.frompyfunc and examining its nin and nout:

import numpy as np

# Custom ufunc creation
def my_func(x, y):
    return x + y, x * y

my_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(my_func, 2, 2)
print('Custom ufunc nin:', my_ufunc.nin)
print('Custom ufunc nout:', my_ufunc.nout)

# Output:
# Custom ufunc nin: 2
# Custom ufunc nout: 2

This not only underlines the flexibility of NumPy ufuncs but also highlights how one can leverage np.frompyfunc to create functions with customized input and output specifications.


Throughout this tutorial, we explored the significance of ufunc.nin and ufunc.nout attributes within NumPy’s ecosystem. Starting from basic arithmetic operations and moving to more complex and custom examples, we illustrated the essential role these attributes play in efficient array manipulation and mathematical computation. Understanding these can significantly enhance one’s ability to work effectively with NumPy.