How to Use Advanced File I/O with NumPy

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python, offering support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a collection of mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. One of the strengths of NumPy is its ability to efficiently read and write data to and from files. This tutorial will guide you through the advanced file input/output (I/O) functions available in NumPy, providing code examples that illustrate how to use these functions from basic to more advanced techniques.


Before diving into advanced file I/O operations with NumPy, ensure that you have NumPy installed in your Python environment. You can install it using pip:

pip install numpy

Basic Reading and Writing with NumPy

To begin, let’s look at the basic file I/O operations in NumPy. The simplest way to save a NumPy array to a file is by using, and to load an array from a file by using np.load:

import numpy as np

# Create an array
array_to_save = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
# Save to file'my_array', array_to_save)

# Load from file
loaded_array = np.load('my_array.npy')


[1 2 3 4 5]

This will save the array to a binary file with a ‘.npy’ extension, which is a proprietary binary format designed for NumPy arrays.

Handling Text Files

NumPy also provides functions such as np.loadtxt and np.savetxt for reading and writing arrays as text files, which can be useful for interoperability with other systems that may not recognize the ‘.npy’ format:

import numpy as np

# Array to text file
np.savetxt('my_array.txt', array_to_save)

# Load from text file
loaded_array_from_txt = np.loadtxt('my_array.txt')


[1. 2. 3. 4. 5.]

Working with Files in Compressed Format

For dealing with larger datasets, you might want to save space by storing arrays in compressed formats. NumPy has np.savez and np.savez_compressed for dealing with multiple arrays in an uncompressed and compressed file, respectively.

import numpy as np

# Save multiple arrays in a compressed file
array1 = np.arange(10)
array2 = np.arange(10, 20)
np.savez_compressed('compressed_arrays', array1=array1, array2=array2)

# Load arrays from a compressed file
loaded_data = np.load('compressed_arrays.npz')
for arr in loaded_data:
    print(f'{arr}:', loaded_data[arr])


array1: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
array2: [10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]

Reading CSV and Structured Data

Frequently, scientific data comes in the form of Comma Separated Values (CSV) files or structured data with mixed data types. In NumPy, this can be handled using np.genfromtxt, which offers more flexibility compared to np.loadtxt:

import numpy as np

# CSV file content:
# 1, 2.5, True
# 4, 5.1, False

# Define the types in each column
dtype = [('int_column', int), ('float_column', float), ('bool_column', bool)]

# Reading a CSV with mixed datatypes
structured_array = np.genfromtxt('my_data.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=dtype)

for record in structured_array:


(1, 2.5, True)
(4, 5.1, False)

This function allows reading and writing heterogeneous data quite seamlessly. Though for more complex structured data, one might need to resort to Pandas.

Memory Mapping Large Arrays

Memory-mapping files enable the processing of data larger than memory, as they don’t require loading the entire file into memory. NumPy’s np.memmap function lets you work with large arrays by accessing small segments of the array without reading the entire file:

import numpy as np

# Creating a memory-mapped array of 100000 elements
mmap = np.memmap('large_array.dat', dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(100000,))

# Now you can read or write to 'mmap' as if it were a regular NumPy array
mmap[:100] = np.arange(100)

# You can operate on subsets of the data without reading the entire file into memory


[0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.]

By using a file-backed memory array, NumPy enables working with datasets that don’t fit entirely in RAM.

Custom Binary Formats

When requiring more control over the binary format, you can use the combination of Python’s built-in file operations with NumPy’s array buffer interface (np.frombuffer and array’s tofile method) to read and write custom binary files:

import numpy as np

# Writing to a custom binary format

# Reading from a custom binary format
with open('custom_bin.dat', 'rb') as f:
    array_from_file = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.int32)


[1 2 3 4 5]

Here, the tofile method and np.frombuffer allow more manual control over the binary I/O process, such as custom data alignments and ordering.

Optimizing I/O Operations

In large-scale data processing, efficiency of I/O operations can be critical. When using NumPy for file operations, remember to:

  • Use binary formats for efficiency (.npy, .npz) whenever possible.
  • Employ compression for large files if disk space is an issue and I/O overhead is acceptable.
  • Leverage memory mapping for very large data
  • Choose appropriate functions that align with your data architecture (structured vs unstructured, homogeneous vs heterogeneous).


In this tutorial, we have looked at the advanced file I/O functionalities provided by NumPy, offering versatile ways to store and process data efficiently in Python. By leveraging these functions, you will be able to handle an array of data persistencing needs with ease.