Using numpy.asanyarray() function (4 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The numpy.asanyarray() function is an essential tool in NumPy, a core library for numerical computing in Python. This function helps convert input into an array if it is not already an array. What makes asanyarray particularly unique is its ability to pass through instances of subclasses of ndarray as is, unlike numpy.array() which always returns a base ndarray unless explicitly overridden. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the numpy.asanyarray() function with four increasingly complex examples. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of how and when to use this versatile function.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before beginning the examples, ensure you have NumPy installed. If not, you can install it using pip:

pip install numpy

Once installed, you can import NumPy into your project:

import numpy as np

Example 1: Basic Use of numpy.asanyarray()

Starting with the basics, let’s convert a simple list into an array using asanyarray.

# Our input list
input_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Using asanyarray to convert our list to an array
result_array = np.asanyarray(input_list)

# Printing the result


[1 2 3 4]

This example demonstrates how asanyarray converts a list into an ndarray, which is the prevailing manner to represent arrays in NumPy. It’s straightforward and a great starting point.

Example 2: Working with Tuples

Now, let’s apply asanyarray to a tuple. This will help us understand how it treats different iterable types.

import numpy as np

# Our input tuple
input_tuple = (5, 6, 7, 8)

# Converting the tuple to an array
result_array = np.asanyarray(input_tuple)

# Displaying the result


[5 6 7 8]

Like with lists, asanyarray seamlessly converts tuples into ndarrays. This behavior illustrates its versatility in handling various data types.

Example 3: Arrays and Subclasses

The real strength of asanyarray becomes apparent when working with existing ndarrays or their subclasses. Unlike numpy.array(), asanyarray does not convert an array into a different type if it is already an ndarray or a subclass thereof. This example uses a custom subclass of ndarray.

import numpy as np

# Defining a custom ndarray subclass
class MyArray(np.ndarray):

# Creating an instance of MyArray
input_array = np.array([9, 10, 11, 12]).view(MyArray)

# Using asanyarray. Notice that the returned object's type is preserved.
result = np.asanyarray(input_array)

# Displaying the result and its type


[ 9 10 11 12]
<class '__main__.MyArray'>

This functionality is essential when you want to ensure that the subclass properties and methods are not lost when manipulating arrays within a NumPy-based computation ecosystem.

Example 4: Mixed Data Types with Matrix

For our final example, we will dive into how asanyarray interacts with more complex data structures, such as matrices with mixed data types.

import numpy as np

# Creating a numpy matrix with mixed data types
input_matrix = np.matrix([[13, 14], [15.5, '16']])

# Converting to an ndarray using asanyarray
result_matrix = np.asanyarray(input_matrix)

# The result is a matrix object, as numpy.matrix is a subclass of ndarray


[['13' '14']
 ['15.5' '16']]

Note how the resultant data type remains a NumPy matrix; this ensures that the specific functionalities and behaviors of subclasses are preserved. This example elegantly demonstrates the function’s capability to work with complex structures without altering their intrinsic nature.


The numpy.asanyarray() function is a powerful tool for data manipulation, converting input into ndarrays while preserving the type and characteristics of subclasses. Whether you are working with simple lists, complex structures, or custom subclasses, asanyarray provides a seamless way to ensure data consistency across your numerical computations. Leveraging this function can streamline your data processing workflows and enhance the interoperability of diverse data structures within the NumPy ecosystem.