Utilizing ndarray.max() method in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a cornerstone library in Python’s scientific computing ecosystem, offers numerous functionalities for handling arrays. Among its versatile set of methods, ndarray.max() stands out by enabling users to find the maximum value within an array.


numpy.ndarray.max(axis=None, keepdims=False, initial=None)


  • axis (int or tuple of ints, optional): Axis or axes along which to operate. By default, None is used, which means the maximum value is computed over the entire array. If specified, the function will compute the maximum along the specified axis or axes. If the input is a 2D array, specifying axis=0 will compute the maximum value along the columns, and axis=1 will compute it along the rows. To compute the maximum over multiple axes simultaneously, provide a tuple of axis numbers.
  • keepdims (bool, optional): If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option, the result will broadcast correctly against the original array. Default is False.
  • initial (scalar, optional): The minimum value to start with. If not specified, the initial value is set to the first element along the specified axis.


  • If axis is None: Returns the maximum value from the entire array.
  • If axis is an integer: Returns a 1D array containing the maximum values along the specified axis.
  • If axis is a tuple of integers: Returns an array with the maximum values computed over the specified axes.

The ndarray.max() method returns the maximum value along the specified axis or axes of the array. If axis is not provided, the maximum value of the flattened array is returned. Additionally, the keepdims parameter determines whether the reduced axes are kept as dimensions in the result, while initial can be used to set a minimum value to start with.

This article delves into the ndarray.max() method, illustrating its utility through four graduated examples.

Example #1 – Basic Usage of ndarray.max()

Starting with the basics, let’s explore how to employ the ndarray.max() method to discover the largest element in a one-dimensional array.

import numpy as np

# Create a one-dimensional array
arr = np.array([2, 3, 5, 7, 11])

# Find the maximum value
max_value = arr.max()

# Display the maximum value
print("The maximum value is:", max_value)


The maximum value is: 11

This example demonstrates the simplicity and efficiency of finding the maximum value in a one-dimensional array using NumPy.

Example #2 – Finding Maximum in a Multi-Dimensional Array

NumPy’s capability extends beyond one-dimensional arrays. When working with multi-dimensional arrays, you can still easily find the maximum value. Here’s how:

import numpy as np

# Create a two-dimensional array
arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

# Find the maximum value in the array
max_value = arr.max()

# Display the maximum value
print("The maximum value in the array is:", max_value)


The maximum value in the array is: 6

In multi-dimensional arrays, ndarray.max() by default computes the maximum value across the entire array. This functionality serves well for a broad range of applications, from simple to complex data sets.

Example #3 – Maximum Value Along a Specific Axis

NumPy’s ndarray.max() method offers flexibility beyond finding the overall maximum by allowing the specification of an axis. This feature is invaluable for multi-dimensional data analysis, as it enables the determination of the maximum value along a specific axis.

import numpy as np

# Create a two-dimensional array
arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

# Find the maximum values along the first axis (rows)
max_values_row = arr.max(axis=0)

# Find the maximum values along the second axis (columns)
max_values_column = arr.max(axis=1)

# Display the maximum values
print("Maximum values along the first axis (rows):", max_values_row)
print("Maximum values along the second axis (columns):", max_values_column)


Maximum values along the first axis (rows): [4 5 6] 
Maximum values along the second axis (columns): [3 6]

Specifying the axis parameter allows for targeted analysis within specific dimensions of an array, broadening the scope of what’s possible with ndarray.max().

Example #4 – Using ndarray.max() with Structured Arrays

NumPy can work with arrays that carry more complex information, such as structured or record arrays. Let’s see how ndarray.max() can be employed on such data structures.

import numpy as np

# Define a structured array
dtype = [('name', 'S10'), ('age', int)]
values = [(b'Alice', 30), (b'Bob', 45), (b'Charlie', 25)]
arr = np.array(values, dtype=dtype)

# Find the maximum age
max_age = np.max(arr['age'])

# Display the maximum age
print("The maximum age is:", max_age)


The maximum age is: 45

This final example unveils the versatility of ndarray.max(), showing its efficacy even with structured data, by pinpointing which operations to conduct on named fields within the array.


In sum, the ndarray.max() method in NumPy stands as a powerful tool for extracting the maximum values from arrays, regardless of their complexity. Spanning from basic one-dimensional arrays to sophisticated multidimensional or structured arrays, it adeptly accommodates a wide variety of data exploration and analysis requirements.