NumPy floating point error: invalid value encountered in multiply

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with large datasets often requires mathematical operations on arrays of numbers, an area where NumPy excels. However, NumPy operations can sometimes produce an error: invalid value encountered in multiply. This error signifies that NumPy attempted an operation resulting in an undefined or unrepresentable value. Understanding the causes and solutions can ensure your data processing remains robust.

Causes of the Error

Several reasons could lead to this error:

  • Operating on NaN (Not a Number) or infinity (inf) values.
  • Multiplying extremely large values that result in overflow.
  • An unintended type conversion causing loss of precision.
  • Unsupported operations between data types (e.g., multiplying an integer array by a string).

Let’s Fix It

Solution 1: Sanitize Input Data

Before multiplying, ensure that your input data does not contain invalid values like NaN or infinite numbers.

  1. Check for the presence of NaN or inf using np.isnan() or np.isinf().
  2. Replace such values using methods like np.nan_to_num() or conditionally assign a different value.
  3. Proceed with multiplication operation after all invalid values are addressed.
import numpy as np

# Sample array with NaN
array_with_nan = np.array([1, 2, np.nan, 4])

# Sanitizing the data
sanitized_array = np.nan_to_num(array_with_nan)

# Multiplication operation
result = sanitized_array * 2


Output: array([2., 4., 0., 8.])

Notes: This approach ensures all values are numerically valid, but replacing NaN or inf can affect the results if not handled correctly. Choose replacements carefully based on context.

Solution 2: Control NumPy Error Handling

Temporarily suppress or handle floating-point errors using NumPy’s seterr function.

  1. Use np.seterr() to change how NumPy handles floating-point errors.
  2. Perform the multiplication while the new error handling is in effect.
  3. Optionally, reset error handling to default after the operation.
import numpy as np

# Set error handling to ignore

# Perform operation that may cause error
result = np.array([1e308, 2e308]) * 2

# Reset error handling to default


Output: array([inf, inf])

Notes: This method allows operations to continue in the presence of issues, which can be good or bad depending on the importance of handling these errors explicitly. It could lead to overlooking significant issues in your data.

Solution 3: Use Astype for Conversion

Explicitly convert data types to prevent unexpected behavior due to automatic type casting.

  1. Use the astype method to convert array elements to a type compatible with your operation.
  2. Confirm that the new data type has the desired precision and range for your calculations.
  3. Conduct the multiplication.
import numpy as np

# An array of integers that needs to be in float
integer_array = np.array([100, 200, 300], dtype='int32')

# Converting to float64
float_array = integer_array.astype('float64')

# Multiplication
result = float_array * 1.5


Output: [150. 300. 450.]

Notes: While casting types helps in accurate calculations, ensuring the proper types from the outset is typically a better approach. Beware of memory overheads when moving to larger data types like float64.


Dealing with floating-point errors in NumPy requires an understanding of the nature of operations that cause them, and proper handling should be an integral part of the data science workflow. Implementing the above solutions based on the specifics of your problem can mitigate these errors, ensuring the stability and accuracy of numerical computations.