Using char.swapcase() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


For data scientists, engineers, or anyone dabbling in Python for numeric and scientific computing, the versatility and efficiency of NumPy cannot be overstated. One of its many features includes string operations, which can be vastly optimized for arrays of data compared to conventional looping in standard Python. This tutorial delves into the char.swapcase() function—a component of NumPy’s arsenal for string operations—demonstrating its application through various examples from basic to advanced levels.

What is char.swapcase() Used for?

NumPy’s char module provides a collection of vectorized string operations for arrays. The swapcase() function is a part of this module, designed to swap the case of each character in the string. In simpler terms, swapcase() converts lowercase characters to uppercase and vice versa.



Where a is an array_like of str or unicode. Input array of strings whose case will be swapped. The returned values is an array with the same shape as a, with each character’s case in each element swapped.

Example 1: Basic Use of char.swapcase()

The first example is straightforward, showing how to use swapcase() to change the case of a simple array of strings.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['Python', 'NumPy', 'STRING', 'array'])
result = np.char.swapcase(arr)


['pYTHON', 'nUMpY', 'string', 'ARRAY']

Example 2: Mixed Data Types

In more complex data scenarios, you might encounter arrays with mixed data types. swapcase() can still be applied, but it’s essential to understand its behavior in different contexts.

import numpy as np

mixed_arr = np.array(['Data5cience', '2023Year', True, False, 1234])
    result_mixed = np.char.swapcase(mixed_arr)
except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred:", e)

Note that swapcase() only operates on strings, and attempting to use it on non-string data types will result in an error. It highlights the importance of ensuring that your data types are consistent when applying string operations in NumPy.

Example 3: Working with Multidimensional Arrays

NumPy shines when handling multidimensional arrays, and char.swapcase() is fully capable of operating on them. Let’s look at an example:

import numpy as np

multi_dim_arr = np.array([['Python', 'Data'], ['Numpy', 'SCiEnce']])
result_multi_dim = np.char.swapcase(multi_dim_arr)


[['pYTHON', 'dATA'], ['nUMPY', 'sciEnCE']]

Example 4: Advanced Use Case – Integrating with Other Operations

Lastly, swapcase() can be integrated with other NumPy operations or used in more complex data processing pipelines. Consider a scenario where you need to swap cases and check for a specific casing pattern:

import numpy as np

# Create an array and swap cases
data = np.array(['aBcDe', 'FgHiJ', 'KlMnO'])
swapped_data = np.char.swapcase(data)

# Use np.char.endswith() to check for words ending with a specific pattern after case swapping.
filtered_data = np.char.endswith(swapped_data, 'E')
print("Swapped Data:", swapped_data)
print("Filtered Result:", filtered_data)


Swapped Data: ['AbCdE', 'fGhIj', 'kLmNo']
Filtered Result: [ True False False]


This tutorial showcased the char.swapcase() function in NumPy through a variety of examples, illustrating its flexibility and ease of use across different data types and structures. Understanding and utilizing such functions can significantly optimize and simplify the handling of string data within arrays, making your data processing tasks more efficient and effective.