NumPy: How to Flatten a 2D Matrix to 1D Array in Row-Major Order

Updated: January 24, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python. It provides support for a wide array of mathematical functions and operations on large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. Flattening a 2D matrix to a 1D array is a common data transformation operation, which can be particularly handy when preparing data for machine learning algorithms or for visualization purposes.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn multiple methods to flatten a 2D NumPy matrix to a 1D array, focusing specifically on row-major order (‘C-style’). Row-major order means that the flattening process will happen row by row, as opposed to column-major order, where the process would proceed column by column.


To follow along with the examples in this tutorial, you will need:

  • An understanding of Python basics
  • A Python environment with NumPy installed. To install NumPy, you can use the command pip install numpy.

Creating a 2D Matrix

Before we dive into flattening techniques, let’s first create a 2D NumPy array that we can work with:

import numpy as np

# Define a 2D array (3x3 matrix)
matrix = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                  [4, 5, 6],
                  [7, 8, 9]])

# Print the 2D array

This will output our matrix:

[[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]
 [7 8 9]]

Flatten Using the flatten() Method

The flatten() method is one of the simplest ways to flatten your 2D array into a 1D array:

# Flatten the matrix in row-major order
flat_array = matrix.flatten()

# Print the flattened array

The output will be:

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

The default order for the flatten() method is ‘C’ (which stands for ‘C-style’ row-major flattening). Even though the default is row-major, the flatten() method allows you to also use column-major order (‘F-style’) by specifying the order parameter:

# Flatten the matrix in column-major order for comparison
flat_array_column_major = matrix.flatten(order='F')

# Print the column-major flattened array

This will output:

[1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9]

Flatten Using the ravel() Method

The ravel() method is another way to flatten a matrix, and similar to flatten(), it defaults to row-major order:

# Flatten the matrix using ravel in row-major order
flat_array_ravel = matrix.ravel()

# Print the ravel-flattened array

The result will be identical to the flatten() method’s output:

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

An advantage of ravel() over flatten() is that it returns a view of the array when possible instead of a copy. This can make ravel() slightly faster and less memory-intensive. However, changing the flattened array returned by ravel() may also affect the original matrix if a copy wasn’t made.

Flatten Using Array Slicing and Indexing

You can also flatten a matrix using traditional Python array slicing and list comprehensions. Here’s an example:

# Flatten matrix with a list comprehension
flat_list = [element for row in matrix for element in row]

# Convert the list to a NumPy array
flat_array_from_list = np.array(flat_list)

# Print the new 1D array

This produces the same flattened row-major array:

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

This method does not offer significant advantages over flatten() or ravel(), and it tends to be more verbose and slower. However, it can be useful when working with more complex structures or when learning how inner operations of flattening work.

Flatten with NumPy’s reshape() Method

Another powerful NumPy function is reshape(), which lets you change the shape of an array without altering its data. We can use it to flatten our matrix:

# Using size of the original matrix to get the total number of elements
n_elements = matrix.size

# Flatten the matrix by reshaping it to have one row with all elements
flat_array_reshape = matrix.reshape(n_elements)

# Print the reshaped flattened array

The output is consistent with previous methods:

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

You can also use -1 as an argument for one of the dimensions in reshape() to automatically calculate the size of that dimension:

# Flatten the matrix by reshaping, with -1 indicating 'infer the size for this dimension'
flat_array_reshape_infer = matrix.reshape(-1)

# Print the reshaped flattened array with inferred dimension

Using reshape() with -1 simplifies the process and avoids the need to explicitly specify the total number of elements in the array.

Discussion and Best Practices

This tutorial covered various methods to flatten a 2D matrix into a 1D array in row-major order using NumPy. The most practical and concise techniques are flatten() and ravel(), with flatten() always returning a copy and ravel() potentially returning a view. If your use case involves a significant amount of data, consider ravel() for better performance, keeping in mind the potential side effects on the original array. Otherwise, flatten() is a safe choice.

While array slicing and reshape() are also valid methods, they can be more cumbersome for this specific task. Remember that reshape() has the advantage of being part of a broader set of NumPy functionalities for reshaping arrays, which makes it great for complex transformations.

Flattening a matrix in row-major order is a frequent operation in numerous data processing scenarios. As you become more proficient with NumPy and data manipulation, knowing when and how to use each method will contribute to both the efficiency and clarity of your code.


We’ve seen how easy and versatile it is to flatten a 2D matrix to a 1D array using NumPy, with a special focus on row-major order. Not only does this help in understanding the different ways to manipulate array data structures in Python, but it also serves as a foundation for more advanced data processing and machine learning tasks.

Experiment with the examples provided, try out the different functions, and assess their efficiency in your particular context. With practice, you’ll be able to intuitively choose the best flattening method for your needs, contributing to more effective and performant code.