NumPy – Understanding ndarray.argpartition() method (4 examples)

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, the core library for scientific computing in Python, provides a wide array of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. Among its powerful features is the ndarray.argpartition() method, a tool that finds the indices that would partition an array into N equal parts. This method is especially useful in situations where partial sorting is required, for example, to find the k smallest or largest elements in an array. In this article, we will explore ndarray.argpartition() through a series of examples, from basic to more advanced applications, to help you fully understand and efficiently use this method in your data processing tasks.

Example 1: Basic Usage of ndarray.argpartition()

Let’s start with the basics. The ndarray.argpartition() method is used to find the indices that would partition an array into two parts, one with elements smaller than a certain value, and another with the rest. Here’s a simple example:

import numpy as np

# Create an array
arr = np.array([3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 5])

# Perform argpartition
partitioned_indices = arr.argpartition(2)

# Use the indices to arrange the array


[1 2 3 4 6 5]

In this example, the argpartition() method rearranges the array so that the two smallest elements are on the left side. The specific order of elements within the two partitions is not guaranteed.

Example 2: Finding the k Smallest Elements

The argpartition() method can be particularly useful for finding the k smallest elements in an array. Here’s how you can do it:

import numpy as np

# Create an array
arr = np.array([10, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1])

# Find indices of the three smallest elements
k_smallest = arr.argpartition(3)[:3]

# Use the indices to obtain the elements


[3 1 2]

This method ensures that the three smallest elements are found efficiently without fully sorting the array, which can save computational resources for large datasets.

Example 3: K Largest Elements and Their Indices

Moving into slightly more advanced territory, one can use the argpartition() method to not only find the k smallest elements but also the k largest ones. Here’s an example of finding the three largest elements along with their indices:

import numpy as np

# Create an array
arr = np.array([1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5])

# Find indices of the three largest elements
k_largest = arr.argpartition(-3)[-3:]

# Sort the indices to get them in order
sorted_indices = np.argsort(arr[k_largest])

# Use sorted indices to arrange the k largest elements


[4 5 6]

In this example, we not only find the indices of the three largest elements but also arrange them in ascending order. First, we use argpartition() with a negative value to focus on the right side (largest elements) and then apply argsort() on the selected slice to sort those elements.

Example 4: Partial Sorting with Multi-dimensional Arrays

Finally, let’s explore how ndarray.argpartition() can be applied to multi-dimensional arrays. In this advanced example, we partition a 2D array by a specific column or row. This is particularly relevant when working with matrices or tabular data where elements need to be organized based on one dimension.

import numpy as np

# Create a 2D array
arr = np.array([[7, 9, 3], [4, 8, 1], [5, 2, 6]])

# Partition based on the second column
indices = np.argpartition(arr[:,1], 1)

# Use indices to reorder the rows
reordered_array = arr[indices]



[[5 2 6]
 [4 8 1]
 [7 9 3]]

In this example, the array is reordered such that the rows are arranged according to the values in the second column, showcasing the flexibility and power of argpartition() in handling multi-dimensional data.


The ndarray.argpartition() method in NumPy is a formidable tool for efficient data manipulation, enabling users to perform partial sorts and locate specific elements with minimized computational overhead. Through the examples provided, from basic usage to advanced multi-dimensional applications, it’s clear that this method can greatly enhance data processing tasks, making it an essential technique in the arsenal of any data scientist or Python programmer working with numerical data. Whether you’re looking for the smallest or largest elements, or need to organize data in a specific way, ndarray.argpartition() offers a versatile and efficient solution.