Using numpy.can_cast() function (8 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It provides a high-performance multidimensional array object and tools for working with these arrays. The numpy.can_cast() function is an essential part of NumPy, allowing you to determine if one data type can be safely cast to another without losing information. This is particularly useful in scenarios where data integrity is paramount.

In this tutorial, we’re going to explore the numpy.can_cast() function through various examples. Understanding the application of numpy.can_cast() is crucial for data conversion and manipulation in scientific computing and data analysis with Python. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of how and when to utilize this function in your NumPy-based projects.

Syntax & Parameters


numpy.can_cast(from_, to, casting='safe')


  • from_: Start type. This could be a dtype object or anything that can be interpreted as a numpy data type (e.g., dtype specifier, array, scalar).
  • to: Destination type. Similar to from_, this could be a dtype object or anything that can be interpreted as a numpy data type.
  • casting: Controls what kind of data casting may occur, depending on the kind of casting rule. The options are:
    • 'no': The types are identical.
    • 'equiv': The types are equivalent, meaning they are identical or one is a byte-swapped version of the other.
    • 'safe': Values of one type can be safely cast to the other type without loss of information.
    • 'same_kind': Safe casting or casting within a kind, like from float64 to float32, or int32 to int64.
    • 'unsafe': Any data conversions can be done, which might lead to loss of information or precision.


  • Returns True if the cast can occur according to the given casting rule; otherwise, False.

Example 1: Basic Usage

Let’s start with the most basic example of using numpy.can_cast(). We will check if an integer can be safely cast to a float.

import numpy as np

# Check if an integer can be safely cast to a float
can_cast_int_to_float = np.can_cast(np.int32, np.float64)



This output indicates that an integer (specifically, an np.int32 type) can indeed be safely cast to a float (np.float64), without losing information.

Example 2: Casting to a Smaller Type

Next, we’ll examine what happens when we attempt to cast a larger data type to a smaller one.

import numpy as np

# Attempt to cast a float to an int
can_cast_float_to_int = np.can_cast(np.float64, np.int32)



In this case, casting a float (a larger, more precise type) to an integer (a smaller, less precise type) could potentially result in loss of information, which is why the output is False.

Example 3: Different NumPy Data Types

Let’s explore the behavior of numpy.can_cast() with different NumPy data types.

import numpy as np

# Check casting between different data types
can_cast_float_to_uint = np.can_cast(np.float64, np.uint8)
can_cast_int_to_ubyte = np.can_cast(np.int16, np.ubyte)

print(f'Float to Unsigned Int: {can_cast_float_to_uint}')
print(f'Int to Unsigned Byte: {can_cast_int_to_ubyte}')



This demonstrates how numpy.can_cast() helps in identifying possible data conversions without information loss, where casting from float to unsigned integer returns False, while casting from an integer to an unsigned byte returns True.

Example 4: Using “safe”, “same_kind”, and “unsafe” Casting Rules

The numpy.can_cast() function also accepts a casting argument that controls the casting rules. There are three casting rules available: safe, same_kind, and unsafe.

import numpy as np

# Example with casting rules
can_cast_safe = np.can_cast(np.int32, np.int64, 'safe')
can_cast_same_kind = np.can_cast(np.int32, np.int64, 'same_kind')
can_cast_unsafe = np.can_cast(np.int32, np.int64, 'unsafe')

print(f'Safe: {can_cast_safe}')
print(f'Same Kind: {can_cast_same_kind}')
print(f'Unsafe: {can_cast_unsafe}')



These outputs reveal how the casting parameter influences the behavior of numpy.can_cast(). Under safe and same_kind rules, the function checks if the casting can be done without data loss, while unsafe allows any kind of casting, regardless of potential data loss.

Example 5: Automating Casting Checks

Automating the casting check process can help in scenarios where you are dealing with dynamic data types. Here’s how you might automate these checks.

import numpy as np

data_types = [np.int32, np.float64, np.uint8]
for i, src_type in enumerate(data_types):
    for j, dst_type in enumerate(data_types):
        if i != j:
            print(f'{src_type} to {dst_type}:', np.can_cast(src_type, dst_type))

This loop systematically checks the possibility of casting between all pairs of specified data types, efficiently summarizing which conversions are safe.

Example 6: Real-world Application – Data Preprocessing

In real-world data analysis, ensuring the integrity of your data during preprocessing is essential. Here’s an example of how numpy.can_cast() might be used in a data preprocessing pipeline to ensure safe type conversions.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

data = pd.DataFrame({'age': [25, 35, 45], 'salary': [50000, 60000, 70000]})
# Convert salary column to float
can_cast_salary_to_float = np.can_cast(data['salary'].dtype, np.float64)
if can_cast_salary_to_float:
    data['salary'] = data['salary'].astype(np.float64)

By checking if the data type conversion is safe, we can prevent potential data loss during the conversion process.

Example 7: Experimental Data and Complex Data Types

When dealing with experimental data or complex data types, such as structures or high-dimensional arrays, it’s important to verify that data conversion will not affect the data’s integrity. Here’s an advanced example showcasing the use of numpy.can_cast() in such contexts.

import numpy as np

# Complex data type example
complex_type = np.dtype([('r', np.float32), ('i', np.float32)])

# Check if casting is possible from a complex structured data type to a simple float type:
can_cast_complex_to_float = np.can_cast(complex_type, np.float64, 'safe')



This example emphasizes the importance of data type compatibility and the role of numpy.can_cast() in ensuring data integrity in complex data scenarios.

Example 8: Using Custom Data Types

Finally, let’s explore an example involving custom data types. NumPy allows us to define our custom data types, and numpy.can_cast() can help ensure that data conversions involving these types are feasible and safe.

import numpy as np

# Define a custom data type (positive integer)
class PosInt(np.int32):

# Check casting from custom data type to standard NumPy data type
can_cast_custom_to_standard = np.can_cast(PosInt, np.int64)



This demonstrates numpy.can_cast()‘s flexibility in handling custom data types, ensuring that casting operations do not compromise data integrity.


The numpy.can_cast() function is a powerful tool in NumPy’s arsenal, enabling safe and efficient data type conversions. Throughout this tutorial, we’ve seen various examples, from basic to advanced, illustrating its utility in different scenarios. Understanding and leveraging numpy.can_cast() is essential for anyone involved in data analysis and scientific computing with Python.