Understanding char.zfill() function in NumPy (3 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The char.zfill() function in NumPy is an essential tool for data preprocessing, particularly when dealing with numerical strings that need a consistent format. This function allows for the easy padding of numeric string representations with zeros on the left-hand side to a specified width. Understanding how to leverage char.zfill() can simplify tasks such as data normalization, alignment for visualization, or preparing numbers for computational tasks that require uniform input lengths.

The Fundamentals

The numpy.char.zfill() function is used to pad a string array with zeros on the left, ensuring that each element of the array has a specified width. It’s particularly useful for aligning numbers or ensuring that string representations of numbers are of a uniform length.


numpy.char.zfill(a, width)


  • a: array_like of str or unicode. Input array of strings to be padded with zeros.
  • width: int. The final width of each string after padding with zeros. If the width specified is less than or equal to the length of a string, the string will be returned unchanged.


  • out: ndarray. An array with the same shape as a, containing the left-padded strings.

Basic Usage of char.zfill()

At its core, char.zfill() is straightforward to use. It requires two primary pieces of information: the string(s) you need to pad and the total width of the resulting string.

import numpy as np

# Single element example
num_str = np.char.zfill('123', 5)
# Output: 00123

# Array example
array_str = np.array(['7', '42', '666'])
filled_array = np.char.zfill(array_str, 5)
# Output: ['00007' '00042' '00666']

Padding Numeric Strings in Multidimensional Arrays

char.zfill() also supports padding strings within multidimensional arrays. This feature is particularly useful for dealing with data that span multiple dimensions.

import numpy as np

arr_2d = np.array([['12', '1'], ['8', '112']])
padded_arr = np.char.zfill(arr_2d, 3)


[['012' '001']
 ['008' '112']]

This functionality ensures that numerical strings maintain a uniform appearance across diverse datasets, facilitating easier analysis and visualization.

Advanced Usage: Conditional Padding with char.zfill()

For more sophisticated applications, you might want to apply padding conditionally. This can be done by combining char.zfill() with array operations or functions that allow for selective padding of elements based on specific criteria.

import numpy as np

# Generating random single-digit numbers
nums = np.random.randint(1, 10, size=10)

# Converting numbers to string type
nums_str = nums.astype(str)

# Conditionally padding numbers less than 5
padded_nums = np.where(nums < 5, np.char.zfill(nums_str, 3), nums_str)

Output (vary, due to the randomness):

['6' '5' '001' '8' '6' '9' '9' '7' '003' '9']

This example showcases how char.zfill() can be part of a larger data preprocessing workflow where numerical conditions determine the need for zero-padding.


The char.zfill() function in NumPy is a powerful and flexible tool for managing numeric strings in datasets. From simplifying basic formatting tasks to supporting complex, condition-driven workflows, char.zfill() can help maintain data consistency and prepare datasets for further analysis or computational tasks. With the examples provided, users can start integrating this function into their data preprocessing routines immediately, reaping the benefits of streamlined data management and analysis.