Understanding char.partition() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the realm of data analysis and scientific computing, NumPy stands as a cornerstone for numerical operations in Python. Among its extensive toolkit, the char.partition() function offers an efficient way to partition strings in arrays. This tutorial aims to shed light on its functionality through a series of progressively comprehensive examples.

What does char.partition() Do?

Before diving into the examples, it’s crucial to understand what char.partition() does. Essentially, it splits the elements in a NumPy array of strings based on a specified separator, resulting in arrays that contain pieces of the original strings. Each element in the output array has three elements: the part before the separator, the separator itself (if found), and the part after the separator.


numpy.char.partition(a, sep)


  • a: Input array of strings.
  • sep: The separator upon which to split each string.

Now, let’s begin with the examples.

Example 1: Basic Usage

The first example demonstrates the basic usage of char.partition():

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['apple-orange', 'banana-kiwi', 'cherry-mango'])
result = np.char.partition(arr, '-')

This code partitions each string at the first occurrence of the ‘-‘ character. The output is an array where each string is divided into three parts:

[['apple', '-', 'orange']
 ['banana', '-', 'kiwi']
 ['cherry', '-', 'mango']]

Example 2: No Separator Found

In scenarios where the specified separator is not found in one or more of the strings, the function behaves slightly differently. Have a look:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['apple', 'banana-kiwi', 'cherry'])
result = np.char.partition(arr, '-')

The output showcases how the function deals with strings where the separator doesn’t appear:

[['apple', '', '']
 ['banana', '-', 'kiwi']
 ['cherry', '', '']]

Example 3: Partitioning with Multiple Separators

To illustrate how char.partition() works when dealing with multiple separators, this example uses a compound separator in an attempt to achieve a similar effect as using multiple separators:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['apple, orange; banana', 'kiwi; cherry, mango'])
result = np.char.partition(arr, '; ')

Given that char.partition() can only take a single separator, the array elements are partitioned at the first occurrence of ‘; ‘. The output illustrates this:

[['apple, orange', '; ', 'banana']
 ['kiwi', '; ', 'cherry, mango']]

Example 4: Operating with a Non-string Array

What if the NumPy array contains non-string elements? Here’s how char.partition() handles such cases:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 'banana-kiwi', 3])
    result = np.char.partition(arr, '-')
except Exception as e:

The error message ucr() argument must be a str, not int is prompted, indicating that all elements in the array must be strings for the function to operate successfully.


The char.partition() function in NumPy provides a straightforward yet powerful tool for splitting strings within arrays. Through these examples, we’ve explored its basic workings, how it manages absent separators, the limitation of a single separator, and the requirement for string elements. Mastering this function can significantly streamline tasks involving string manipulation in numerical computing scenarios.