Understanding char.center() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python. It provides a versatile range of functions for operations on arrays of homogeneous data. Among these, the char.center() function is a lesser-known yet powerful tool for string manipulation within arrays. This article delves into the intricacies of char.center(), accompanied by three illustrative examples.

What is char.center() Used for?

NumPy’s char.center() function is akin to Python’s standard string method str.center(), but it is optimized for operating on arrays of strings. This function centers a string in a field of a specified width, potentially padding it with a specified fill character. It opens up efficient pathways for batch-processing text data within a numerical computing context.


numpy.char.center(a, width, fillchar=' ')


  • a: array_like of str or unicode. The input array of strings to be centered.
  • width: int. The width of the resulting strings. Each element in a is centered and padded with fillchar to ensure it is this wide.
  • fillchar: str or unicode, optional. The character used for padding. It must be a single character. The default is a space (' ').

Basic Example

Let’s start with a basic example to illustrate how char.center() works. Suppose you have an array of names and you want to center them within a width of 20 characters, padding with spaces by default:

import numpy as np

names = np.array(['Alice', 'Bob', 'Catherine'])
print(np.char.center(names, 20))

The output would be:

'       Alice        ' '        Bob         ' '     Catherine      ']

In this example, each name is perfectly centered within a 20-character field, demonstrating the basic functionality of char.center().

Advanced Formatting

Now let’s move on to a more advanced example involving custom fill characters. Imagine you need to display a list of product prices, center-aligned within asterisks to catch the customer’s eye:

import numpy as np

products = np.array(['$10', '$1000', '$20'])
prices_centered = np.char.center(products, 10, fillchar='*')

The output should be:

['***$10****' '**$1000***' '***$20****']

This example demonstrates using a custom fill character to center strings, showcasing the function’s flexibility in creating visually appealing text presentations.

Handling Non-Uniform Arrays

For the third example, let’s explore how char.center() deals with arrays of differing string lengths. When working with complex data sets, it’s common to encounter non-uniform arrays. Here’s how you can center-align names in an array containing different lengths:

import numpy as np

mixed_lengths = np.array(['Ann', 'Christopher', 'Jo'])
output = np.char.center(mixed_lengths, 15, fillchar='-')

The output looks like this:

['------Ann------' '--Christopher--' '-------Jo------']

This showcases the function’s ability to handle arrays with strings of variable lengths, ensuring each is appropriately centered.

Real-World Applications

char.center() can be incredibly useful in formatting data for reports, ensuring alignment in tabulated data, or even in generating text-based graphic designs. With the advent of big data, tools that can efficiently manipulate large arrays of text become increasingly significant. NumPy’s char.center() serves as a testament to this, offering practical solutions for complex text formatting challenges.

Advanced Example: Text-based Graphic Design

Let’s say you want to create a simple text-based design, such as a banner for a report or a console application. You can use numpy.char.center() to align text within a “frame”.

import numpy as np

# Banner text
banner_text = np.array(["Welcome to", "SlingAcademy.com"])

# Frame width
frame_width = 30

# Center the banner text and add a frame
banner = np.char.center(banner_text, frame_width, fillchar="=")
top_frame = "=" * frame_width
bottom_frame = "=" * frame_width

# Print the banner
print(*banner, sep="\n")


==========Welcome to==========

This script centers each line of the banner text within a specified width and adds a top and bottom frame using equal signs. Tools like numpy.char.center() enable efficient manipulation of text arrays for both practical applications, such as data reporting, and more creative tasks, such as generating simple text-based graphics or designs.


In conclusion, NumPy’s char.center() function stands out as a flexible and efficient solution for centering strings within arrays. Through the basic to advanced examples provided, we’ve seen how it can accommodate a variety of string manipulation tasks. As you become more familiar with this function, you’ll discover even more ways it can enhance your data processing projects, making your arrays not just functional, but visually organized as well.