Fixing AttributeError: module ‘numpy’ has no attribute ‘matlib’

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering an AttributeError with Numpy can be a frustrating experience, especially one that states module 'numpy' has no attribute 'matlib'. This error generally arises when attempting to use the matlib module in Numpy without it being properly imported or installed. Below are some solutions to fix this error, including step-by-step guides and code examples.

Solution 1: Explicit Import

The matlib module must be explicitly imported from Numpy to be used, as it is not automatically available with a default Numpy import.

  1. Ensure Numpy is installed in your environment. If not, install it using pip install numpy.
  2. Import matlib explicitly in your script using from numpy import matlib.
  3. Use matlib functions as needed in your code.\


from numpy import matlib

# Example of using matlib.identity
identity_matrix = matlib.identity(4)


[[1. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 1.]]

Notes: This solution is straightforward and should be the first attempt. However, failure to correctly import other necessary Numpy components might still lead to code issues.

Solution 2: Updating Numpy

An outdated version of Numpy might not include the matlib module, or certain bugs might prevent it from being accessed correctly.

  1. Check your current Numpy version with import numpy as np\nprint(np.__version__).
  2. If your version is outdated, update Numpy using pip install numpy --upgrade.
  3. Retry importing and using matlib.

Notes: This is a more passive approach but crucial for maintaining the overall health of your development environment. Ensure other dependencies are compatible with the updated version to avoid further errors.

Solution 3: Virtual Environment

Conflicts with other packages or incorrect installations might cause issues. Using a clean virtual environment specifically for your project can isolate and resolve such problems.

  1. Create a new virtual environment using python -m venv <env_name>.
  2. Activate the virtual environment.
    • On Windows, use <env_name>\Scripts\activate.
    • On MacOS and Linux, use source <env_name>/bin/activate.
  3. Install Numpy within the virtual environment using pip install numpy.
  4. Attempt to import and use matlib as detailed in Solution 1.

Notes: This solution is especially beneficial if the project relies on specific package versions or if global packages cause conflicts. It provides a controlled environment, but managing multiple environments can increase complexity.