How to Avoid NumPy ZeroDivisionError: Division by Zero

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Encountering a ZeroDivisionError in NumPy can halt the progress of an analytical computation, causing frustration and delays. In this article, we will explore why the division by zero error occurs and demonstrate several solutions to avoid or handle this scenario within a NumPy context.

Understanding the Error

The ZeroDivisionError in NumPy commonly occurs when an array contains one or more zero elements, and an operation attempts to divide another array, or a scalar by this zero-containing array. NumPy arrays support vectorized operations that apply element-wise to arrays, which means every division includes all elements of the arrays.

Preventing ZeroDivisionError

Check for Zeros Before Division

Identify and address divide-by-zero issues beforehand by checking for zero elements within your array.

  • Inspect the array for zero values before performing division.
  • If zero values are found, you can opt to substitute them or modify the computation in a way that avoids division by these elements.
  • This preventive check allows you handle zero elements explicitly.

Code example:

import numpy as np

#Create an array
arr = np.array([1, 2, 0, 4])

#Inspect array for zero before division
if not np.all(arr):
    arr[arr == 0] = np.nan  #Replace zeros with NaN
    # or handle zeros in other desired ways

result = 10 / arr

Output: [10. 5. nan 2.5]

Not replacing zeros with an alternative value means the ZeroDivisionError will occur. Choosing to replace zeros with NaN preserves the shape of the array but introduces NaN which may or may not be suitable based on the context and further analysis you’re planning to perform.

Use np.seterr to Manage Numeric Errors

NumPy provides a function np.seterr() to manage how floating-point errors are handled.

  • Define error handling policies for division, overflow, underflow, and invalid operations.
  • For division by zero, you can choose to ignore the issue, produce a warning, or throw an error.

Code example:

import numpy as np

#Set NumPy to ignore division by zero
old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore')

#Now performing division will not throw an error
arr = np.array([1, 2, 0, 4])
result = 10 / arr

#Turn the warnings back on


Output: [10. 5. inf 2.5]

Using np.seterr is effective but can lead to the overlooking of real issues in your data or computation if the error handling is not properly managed after its use.

Replace Zeros with np.where

A more dynamic approach involves replacing zeros with np.where right where the division is attempted. Use np.where to create a conditional operation that replaces zeros only when a division operation takes place.

Code example:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 0, 4])

#Replace the zero only during the division
result = 10 / np.where(arr == 0, np.nan, arr)


Output: [10. 5. nan 2.5]

Replacing zeros on-the-fly avoids the introduction of NaNs or infs into the dataset before they are necessary, though it adds computational steps each time you wish to perform division.


We’ve looked at methods to avoid the NumPy ZeroDivisionError: by checking for zeros before division, by setting up NumPy to manage errors, and by dynamically replacing zeros during division. It’s crucial to pick a strategy that not only avoids the error but also aligns with your data processing needs, considering the implications of introducing NaNs or infs into your datasets.