NumPy OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long

Updated: January 22, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

When working with numerical data in Python, particularly with the NumPy library, encountering an ‘OverflowError’ can be a challenging roadblock. This error typically occurs when an integer exceeds the limit that can be represented by a C ‘long’ data type, which NumPy relies on for certain operations. Usually, this points to an issue with your data or code that needs a closer look. This tutorial provides a deep dive into some effective solutions to handle this error.

Solution 1: Use Larger Data Type

One of the reasons you may encounter this error is that the default data type cannot handle the large integers you’re attempting to process. To resolve, consider using a NumPy data type that can accommodate larger numbers, such as np.int64 or np.float64.

  • Identify the operation resulting in the OverflowError.
  • Select an appropriate larger data type capable of handling larger numbers.
  • Modify the array creation or the operation using .astype() to explicitly configure the data type.


import numpy as np

# Example where np.int32 causes an OverflowError
defective_array = np.array([2147483647, 2147483648], dtype=np.int32)

# Fix by casting to a larger type
fixed_array = defective_array.astype(np.int64)

# Print the fixed array


[2147483647 2147483648]

Notes: This solution increases the size limit for values but consumes more memory. It’s not suitable if numbers exceed the bounds of the largest available NumPy integer type.

Solution 2: Handle Overflow with Python Integers

Python integers have arbitrary precision, meaning they can grow to accommodate any number without overflow. If you’re performing an operation that results in OverflowError within NumPy, consider doing the computation with plain Python integers when possible.

  • Convert any large NumPy integers to Python integers before operation.
  • Perform the operation using Python’s built-in arithmetic.
  • If necessary, convert the result back to a NumPy array.


import numpy as np

# Original data presumed large for NumPy
large_values = [2**31, 2**31 + 1]

# Converting to Python integers and performing safe addition
result = large_values[0] + large_values[1]

# Converting back to NumPy array if required
result_array = np.array(result, dtype=object)




Notes: This is a robust solution but can potentially lead to performance loss due to Python’s overhead for arbitrary-precision integers compared to fixed-sized NumPy integers. Also not ideal if the result must remain as a NumPy array.

Solution 3: Utilize NumPy Unsigned Integers

If the dataset consists of positive numbers only, consider using unsigned integers, which extend the range of representable values by utilizing the sign bit for data storage.

  • Assess if all numeric values are positive and fit the range of unsigned integers.
  • Create or cast the array using an unsigned NumPy data type like np.uint32 or np.uint64.


import numpy as np

# Original array where negative values should not occur
data = [2147483648, 4294967295]

# Using unsigned integer data type
unsigned_arr = np.array(data, dtype=np.uint64)



[2147483648 4294967295]

Notes: This approach is only feasible when there’s certainty that no negative values will occur. On the upside, it gives access to a larger positive range without switching to a more memory-intensive type like np.int64.

This error can be tricky, but by accurately identifying its cause and leveraging the flexibility of Python and NumPy’s data types, a solution is rarely out of reach. Consider the limitations and benefits of each method, as the best approach often depends on the specific context of your data and computation needs.