Using numpy.fromstring() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for numerical computing in Python. Among its robust set of array manipulation functions is numpy.fromstring(), a utility that creates a NumPy array from a string of numbers. Understanding how to correctly apply this function can be incredibly useful for data preprocessing, conversion, and storage operations. This tutorial will guide you through the nuances of numpy.fromstring() with four progressively advanced examples.

Syntax and Parameters of numpy.fromstring()

The numpy.fromstring() function is designed to interpret a string as an array of numbers. It’s essential when you have numerical data encoded as a string and you need to efficiently convert this data back into a numerical format that NumPy can work with. Its basic syntax is:

numpy.fromstring(string, dtype=float, count=-1, sep='')

where string is the data in string format, dtype specifies the type of the output array (e.g., float, int), count limits how many items to read (with -1 meaning all), and sep defines the separator between items if the string represents multiple values.

Example 1: Basic Conversion

import numpy as np
string_data = '1 2 3 4 5'
array = np.fromstring(string_data, dtype=int, sep=' ')


[1 2 3 4 5]

This example demonstrates the simplest use case: converting a string of space-separated numbers into an array of integers.

Example 2: Using a Different Separator

import numpy as np
string_data = '1,2,3,4,5'
array = np.fromstring(string_data, dtype=int, sep=',')


[1 2 3 4 5]

This shows how to use a comma as a separator, useful when working with data from CSV files or similarly formatted sources.

Example 3: Binary Data Conversion

import numpy as np
binary_data = '010000010100001001000011'
numpy_array = np.fromstring(binary_data, dtype='S1')


[b'0' b'1' b'0' ...]

This example highlights another powerful feature of numpy.fromstring(): its ability to process binary and other non-textual strings. Here, each character from the binary string is treated as a separate element in the resulting array.

Example 4: Handling Complex Numbers

import numpy as np
string_data = '1+2j 3+4j 5+6j'
array = np.fromstring(string_data, dtype=complex, sep=' ')


[1.+2.j 3.+4.j 5.+6.j]

In this more advanced example, we convert a string of complex numbers to a NumPy array of complex number data types. This functionality is incredibly useful in fields such as signal processing or any domain that uses complex numbers.

Best Practices and Pitfalls

Working with numpy.fromstring() is a powerful skill, but it comes with caveats. Notably, ensure that the dtype accurately reflects the data you’re working with, and be wary of how the sep parameter is set, as improper use can result in unexpected outputs or errors. Furthermore, remember that numpy.fromstring() will stop reading if there is an item that does not conform to the expected dtype, which can silently lead to data truncation unless count is appropriately used.


Through these examples, we’ve demonstrated the versatility and power of numpy.fromstring(), from basic conversions to complex manipulations. Whether you’re processing textual data or working with binary formats, understanding how to leverage this function effectively can significantly streamline your data handling tasks. As with any tool, the key to success lies in thorough comprehension and deliberate practice.