NumPy MemoryLeakWarning – Causes & Solutions

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing within Python, providing exceptional functionality for numerical operations. However, developers occasionally encounter MemoryLeakWarnings, signaling potential inefficiencies in managing memory. This article covers common causes of memory leaks in NumPy and provides solutions to prevent them, safeguarding the resource management within Python applications.

Solution 1: Update NumPy Version

The simplest approach could be updating NumPy to the latest stable version as memory leaks may result from known bugs that are addressed in subsequent releases.

  1. Check your current NumPy version using numpy.__version__.
  2. Visit the official NumPy website or PyPI to identify the most recent stable version.
  3. Use pip to update NumPy: pip install --upgrade numpy.

Code Example:

import numpy
!pip install --upgrade numpy

Notes: Keeping libraries up-to-date is a good practice not only for resolving memory leaks but also for security and performance improvements. However, ensure that the new version is compatible with other dependencies in your environment.

Solution 2: Explicit Variable Deletion

In some scenarios, explicitly deleting variables that are no longer needed can help in minimizing the risk of memory leaks, especially in long-running scripts or those handling large amounts of data.

  1. Identify variables that occupy large amounts of memory and are no longer needed.
  2. Delete these variables using the del keyword.
  3. Force garbage collection, if needed, using gc.collect().

Code Example:

import numpy as np
import gc
large_array = np.ones((1000, 1000))
del large_array

Notes: This method relies on the programmer’s discretion for identifying and deleting unused variables, which might not always catch all instances of potential memory leaks. Python’s garbage collector is generally effective, but in cases of circular references or complex data structures, forcing a collection might help.

Solution 3: Optimize Array Operations

Memory leaks can sometimes be traced back to inefficient array operations that unnecessarily duplicate data in memory. Proper use of inplace operations and avoiding unnecessary array duplications can help prevent such leaks.

  1. Instead of creating new arrays, perform operations inplace whenever possible.
  2. For temporary arrays, use context managers or functions that limit their scope.
  3. Avoid multiple copies of the same data; use views or slices instead.

Code Example:

import numpy as np
data = np.zeros((1000, 1000))
data += 1  # inplace operation instead of data = data + 1

Notes: Inplace operations can reduce the memory footprint but may not always be applicable, especially when the original data needs to be preserved. Use this approach with an understanding of the dataflow in your program.


Memory leaks in NumPy can have various root causes, but they are generally fixable with proactive measures such as updating the library, managing variables wisely, and optimizing operations. Keeping these practices in mind, developers can ensure efficient memory management in their Python applications, relying on NumPy’s robust computational offerings without performance degradation or resource wastage.