Solving NumPy KeyError: Field names only allowed for structured arrays

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The NumPy ‘KeyError: Field names only allowed for structured arrays’ is an error that arises when one attempts to access elements in a NumPy array using field names that are generally used with structured arrays, such as dictionaries. Structured arrays allow you to perform per-field operations and queries. However, using field names on regular arrays, which are essentially sequences of homogeneous data, is not supported and causes this error. Below are solutions to address this problem.

Solution #1 – Convert to Structured Array

One of the ways to avoid this error is to convert a regular NumPy array into a structured array. This will allow you to name each element or field, so you can access elements using those names.

  1. Determine the fields and their corresponding data types.
  2. Create a data type (dtype) object that specifies the structure of the array.
  3. Convert the array using the ‘numpy.array’ function with the ‘dtype’ parameter.


import numpy as np

# Given numpy array
data = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

# Define the dtype for the structured array
structure = [('field1', int), ('field2', int)]

# Convert the array to a structured array
structured_data = np.array(list(map(tuple, data)), dtype=structure)

# Accessing elements using field names
print(structured_data['field1'])  # Output: [1 3]

Notes: By converting to a structured array, you can easily access data using named fields. However, keep in mind that structured arrays can have performance implications such as slower access and increased memory usage, as compared to plain ndarrays.

Solution #2 – Use Dictionary for Field Mapping

Alternatively, instead of using a structured array, you can use a Python dictionary to map field names to array indices. Then use these field names to index the dictionary and subsequently index the array.

  1. Create a dictionary where keys represent field names and values represent the corresponding indices.
  2. Use the dictionary to index the array in an implicit manner.


import numpy as np

# Given numpy array
data = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

# Creating a dictionary for field names
fields = {'field1': 0, 'field2': 1}

# Accessing array elements using field names
print(data[:, fields['field1']])  # Output: [1 3]
print(data[:, fields['field2']])  # Output: [2 4]

Notes: This method does not alter the underlying array structure and can be convenient and memory efficient. However, it does introduce separate dictionary management, and you lose the ability to access elements by attributes, which can be a benefit of structured arrays.

These are the two main strategies to solve the ‘KeyError: Field names only allowed for structured arrays’. Proper understanding and handling of structured arrays can significantly enhance data management and manipulation in NumPy. Depending on the specific requirements of your dataset and computation needs, you can choose the solution that best fits your scenario.