Solving NumPy ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

When working with arrays in NumPy, one may encounter a ComplexWarning that catches many unsuspecting Python developers by surprise. This warning indicates that NumPy has performed an operation that involves converting a complex number to a real number, hence discarding the imaginary part. These conversions rarely happen by accident, so when they do occur, it’s usually indicative of a larger issue in the code or a misconception regarding how NumPy handles data types.

The Causes

The ComplexWarning arises mainly because of implicit type conversion in NumPy. NumPy is designed to handle arrays with elements of the same data type efficiently. When an operation combines complex and real numbers, or implicitly assumes a conversion from complex to real, NumPy raises a ComplexWarning as this could lead to data loss – in this case, the loss of the imaginary part of the complex numbers.

Solutions to the ComplexWarning

Solution 1: Explicit Casting to Complex

The first solution involves casting your real array explicitly to a complex type before performing operations. This approach ensures that the resulting array maintains the complex number information.

  • Step 1: Identify the offending real array or operation.
  • Step 2: Use the astype() method to cast the real array to a complex type (e.g., np.complex128).
  • Step 3: Perform the intended operations after casting.


# Real values
real_array = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# Casting to complex
cplx_array = real_array.astype(np.complex128)

# Perform operations post-casting
cplx_results = cplx_array + 1j # Adding imaginary part

Notes: This is usually the simplest and most direct way to address the issue. It has the benefit of clarity and explicit intent, and it is less prone to future errors. However, it does require you to modify existing arrays and may involve additional computational cost if your dataset is large.

Solution 2: Use Complex Numbers from the Start

A more preventative approach is to ensure that arrays intended to hold complex numbers are declared as such from the outset.

  • Step 1: When creating arrays expected to contain complex numbers, explicitly use complex data types.
  • Step 2: Perform operations without the need for casting later.


# Declaring a complex array explicitly
complex_array = np.array([1 + 0j, 2 + 0j, 3 + 0j])

# Operations with no need for casting
cplx_result = complex_array + 1j

Notes: This approach avoids the warning altogether and makes the code’s intention clear. It requires proactive planning and understanding of the data types involved. However, it is not a solution when your data source cannot provide complex number data types upfront.

Solution 3: Handling the Warning

Instead of preventing the warning, you can also handle it so it does not disrupt your workflow or output. This is done using Python’s built-in warning library.

  • Step 1: Import the warnings library.
  • Step 2: Suppress the ComplexWarning using the warnings.filterwarnings action.
  • Step 3: Run your operations with the understanding that the imaginary part will be discarded.


import numpy as np
import warnings

# Ignore the ComplexWarning
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=np.ComplexWarning)

real_array = np.array([1, 2, 3]) + 1j
real_part = real_array.real
# The warning is now suppressed

Notes: While this method eliminates the warning message, it does nothing to address the loss of data. It should only be employed when you are certain that the imaginary part is extraneous to your calculations and can be safely ignored.