Understanding numpy.float64 type (5 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

NumPy is a foundational package for numerical computing in Python. Among its data types, numpy.float64 stands out for representing double precision floating point numbers. In this tutorial, we’ll dive deep into numpy.float64, with practical examples illustrating its utility and behavior.

Basic Introduction to numpy.float64

Before diving into complex examples, let’s start with the basics. The numpy.float64 data type represents a double-precision floating-point number, which can store significantly larger (or smaller) numbers than Python’s standard float type, with greater precision.

import numpy as np

# Creating a float64 number
a = np.float64(1.2345)


<class 'numpy.float64'>

This simple example illustrates how to create a numpy float64 number and check its type.

Precision and Storage

numpy.float64 can store numbers with a precision that is highly valuable in scientific computing. This section explores its precision compared to Python’s standard float type.

import numpy as np

# Comparing float and float64 precision
b = 0.1
b_numpy = np.float64(0.1)

print("Python float precision:", b)
print("Numpy float64 precision:", b_numpy)

Although it might look similar at first glance, the precision gain with numpy.float64 becomes significant in operations involving very large or very small numbers, or when performing numerous cumulative calculations.

Operations with numpy.float64

Let’s delve into operations, demonstrating the accuracy and efficiency numpy.float64 brings to computations.

import numpy as np

x = np.float64(2.5)
y = np.float64(1.2)

# Basic Operations
sum = x + y
print("Sum:", sum)

# Multiplication
product = x * y
print("Product:", product)

Operations with numpy.float64 are not only accurate but also efficient, especially in array forms.

Interoperation with Other Types

Interoperation between numpy.float64 and other data types in NumPy and Python is seamless. Let’s explore this with an example.

import numpy as np

z = np.float64(3.9)
native_float = 3.9

# NumPy Array Operation
arr = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=np.float64)

# Adding numpy.float64 to native Python float
result = arr + z

# Adding numpy.float64 to itself
result_native = arr + native_float

print("Result with numpy.float64:", result)
print("Result with native float:", result_native)

This demonstrates how numpy.float64 can seamlessly integrate and interact with other numerical types, both within and outside of NumPy.

Working with Large Arrays

The real power of numpy.float64 becomes apparent when working with large arrays. This example showcases an operation on a large dataset.

import numpy as np

# Large array operation
large_arr = np.random.rand(1000000).astype(np.float64)
mean_value = np.mean(large_arr)

print("Mean of large array:", mean_value)

Utilizing numpy.float64 for large datasets can significantly enhance performance and accuracy, making it indispensable for data science and numerical computation projects.


The numpy.float64 type is a cornerstone for numerical computing in Python. Its ability to handle double-precision floating-point numbers with high accuracy and efficiency makes it a powerful tool for scientists, engineers, and anyone involved in data analysis or computation-intensive tasks. This tutorial covered the essentials and demonstrated its capabilities through practical examples. Embrace numpy.float64 to elevate your numerical computing projects.